NC is Recruiting 1-2 Players

xtcmenxtcmen Join Date: 2004-04-20 Member: 28040Members, Squad Five Blue
edited November 2012 in Competitive Play
<div class="IPBDescription">NA</div>Hello,

Team NC is looking for one (possibly 2) more players for our roster. We have been around since the beta, and have been playing competitively for a few months and have a very strong roster. We are one of the the first and strongest teams in NA. While we are a little more relaxed than most competitive NS2 clans, we still like to scrimm regularly.

I am looking for players that are experienced at Natural selection. Although Prior scrimming experience is not required , it is preferred. (prior experience in NS1 is also acceptable). Exceptional aim is also preferred. Availability on weeknights is a requirement. (Usually ranges from 6-10 PST)

If you want to try out, please add me on steam: xtcmen

and reply to this post so I know who you are.

I look forward to hearing from you guys.


  • OneiricOneiric Join Date: 2012-11-28 Member: 173529Members
    I'd be interested in trying out for a spot.
    I've had prior NS1 experience and have been playing NS2 for a couple of weeks now, at about 150 hours.

    The times work for me since I have a evening work schedule that ends at 8pm EST.

    I'll send you a message on steam sometime tonight or tomorrow night.

  • SaniKSaniK Join Date: 2012-11-04 Member: 166850Members
    edited November 2012
    I would be interested in some competitive play, Im not the best of players but I am a good comm for both sides. I have alot of experience and have a deep understanding of the fundamentals.

    Also I run my own server if you need one to play on.

    *edit, nm this post. If you takes this many days to respond to your own thread, I will look elsewhere.
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