Egg Locking on High Pop Servers



  • SpaceJewSpaceJew Join Date: 2012-09-03 Member: 157584Members
    edited November 2012
    Mavick, I'm sure you want to debate the Camo changes here but this is a thread relating to egg locking.

    I think that you have very little, if anything, to add here considering you'd rather bring up your pet topic of Camo changes rather than discuss the egg lock issue that was compounded by the Shift nerfs.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I believe it's annoying when your team is bad and you're forced to go that way first, yes. I'm talking source, you're talking symptoms. That's pretty much what this entire topic revolves around.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    The cause is the incredibly backwards way that Hives spawn eggs. The shift issue is separate, but it was the only workaround before. Without it, the only workaround is no longer a workaround due to high cost and slow spawn rates. This directly leads to egg lock on larger servers being common place, especially on only one hive. If the Marines kill your skulks, they run out of eggs. Unless of course you make all your skulks camp out for three minutes before dying, at which point an egg lock won't happen.

    Honestly, your willful ignorance in how superior the Marines spawn system is in every way, shape, and form makes me think you're trolling. Aliens are literally forced into spending T.Res just to get their team to spawn. It's not a flat, up front cost either. It's a continuing high cost with a global cool down attached. When you compare a potentially infinite cost on the Aliens team to a flat 10, 20, or 30 T.Res cost for the Marines <i>just to play the game</i> you can easily see why it's something people are going to rail against.

    All they need to do is rework the default hive egg algorithm to make it better for large player count servers. I don't even care about shift being a workaround, I don't want to <i>need</i> to work around the inadequate spawn system.
  • MavickMavick Join Date: 2012-11-07 Member: 168138Members
    edited November 2012
    Your passion for all things alien and inability to look at this game from both sides is once again blinding you to my overall point. If your team is good, and dies less, it's less of an issue. Things like a shade hive first CAN help with this, believe it or not. I know it, I've seen it with alien teams vs decent marine teams. So stop making it sound like I'm going offtopic when I'm not. If they want to buff the egg spawn rate to make up for bad players so be it. But that's exactly what it's going to be for, admit it or not.
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