Is it even possible to balance anymore?



  • B1llyB1lly Join Date: 2004-02-18 Member: 26653Members
    In my experience, a good way to see if as marine it will be a funny game that can be won or lost or a boring game that will be a sure defeat is to look at build order.

    Armory - robotics factory -> lost
    Armory - observatory - can be funny at least.

    If you research phase gates at start,you can direct your men to 2nd cc, have 3 rt at start and then focus at research and 4th and possible 5th rt. Even 3rd cc. But you should tell em when it's time to wait and when to attack.

    I dont think aliens need less teamplay. You probably have a lone skulk harrassing at late game, but at start you have to team with others.

    I think more aliens winning it's the same situation we had with b222 or similar, when cone for skulks was narrowed and we didn't have the glancing. The ones that sticked to aliens learned to land perfect bites, when successive build was released it was alien time. Not because op, but for many that were better players.
  • ClydeClyde Join Date: 2012-11-15 Member: 171438Members
    I haven't seen a single legitimate marine victory since 229. The only marine victories I've seen were when I was on aliens and it was our commander's first time, and when I was on marines and half the alien team left the game at the start.

    Usually what happens is the marines just won't have the tech to deal with the onos when they show up. At this point a loss is inevitable. This often comes just as the marines are getting a prototype lab assuming they have rushed for it fairly quickly. I've seen the marines lose their second CS just as they're getting ready to research exo suits or jet packs so many times.

    In some very rare cases the game will last longer than this and the marines will actually get exo suits on the field. What usually happens at this point is either the marines will do a strong push and have aliens run into one of their bases, or the aliens will do a strong push in to one of the marine bases. In either case a distress beacon is required. Once a beacon has been used it's effectively GG because the aliens can run around the map picking off power nodes at all the other areas the marines held. The best the marines can hope for is a base trade scenario.

    In short, the ability to field onos super quickly puts the marines at a big disadvantage. Additionally, the mobility that the aliens have often results in the marines slowly losing territory in the mid-late game.

    I'd say a good way to balance would be to do something that allows the marines to tech up slightly faster.
  • ImbalanxdImbalanxd Join Date: 2011-06-15 Member: 104581Members
    Protip if you want to win in the current build: the third thing you drop should be a robotics factory. ARCs are still as effective as they ever were, and are pretty much the only way to clear hive rooms now. What's more, you need minimal map control to pull arc pushes off, and if done correctly, neither regeneration nor camouflage is going to do a damn thing to stop you.
    Of course, proper ARC trains are near impossible to pull off on mineshaft, so don't bother.

    Alternatively, if you want a much better chance of having a good game, go alien commander and choose shade hive first. If you want an even better game, choose shift hive second. Alternatively just choose crag hive but never drop any actual crags.
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