Commander 'Health/Ammo' request key..

JeehaoJeehao Join Date: 2012-11-08 Member: 168294Members
edited November 2012 in Ideas and Suggestions
So I am enjoying commanding the Marine team but one thing that pisses me of 24/7 is that I love to have the map on SPACE so I can reach the map really quick without moving my hand at all, But when a teamate wants to get ammo/health then that overrides my SPACE key MAP so I am unable to use the map at all for some time.. When I press space I get to the player who want something and I get really angry because the MAP does not show up!!!!! You can press the key as many times you want and it wont show up at all before a special time has past after the teamate medpack/ammo request has been done..

So what I would want is an option a to bind the command key for showing teamates that request something or stuff that is going on ..

One bindable key for the MAP
And one for Requests and other stuff!

Sometimes I just do not care about teamates that want ammo 24/7 when there is an armory nearby and when he spams the ammo button that disables my map..
It just feels very broken to me. Why should their requests cripple me just because I want the MAP on space? Sometimes I can't do anything at all because of the 24/7 requests..
I want to see what is being attacked but NOPE the players want ammo ;s

This is also very annoying when you have like 4 resources and want to save up for something, BUT the players want AMMO for the resources and disables my Space key Map..

The Space Key is perfect for me because it is really easy to access while moving alround as a skulk or any other unit and it is perfect for commanding.
Why should the 'Teamate want Health/Ammo' be stuck on such an important button like the Space button?
If I can not give out anything at the moment because of low resources then it just gets really annoying.
Specially when players that don't even know how to play want things all the time..

Yes I may be childish for ranting about a key but sometimes it just makes you so bored.. Yesterday I had some really weird team, I gave them commands all the time but they did not listen, all they wanted was medpacks/ammo and they did not even follow orders, I could bearly use the Map at all because they wanted things all the time when we had no resources.. I just wanted to 'RAGEQUIT' because they annoyed the hell out of me when they did not follow a single order ^^

I Know that I can just rebind the MAP key to some other button, BUT space is the only key that I can bind it to so it fits with my hand placement..
And the MAP is something that you will have up almost the whole time so you know what is going on..

Space is the easiest key to have the map on for my playstyle and the retarded 'non bindable' request button is on space.....

Can you rebind that key in some way?`I find it really stupid that it is not in the keybind list :/
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