What setting is using alot of the CPU?

Thunder246Thunder246 Join Date: 2012-11-16 Member: 171789Members
Hi, i get some good fps in this game, but sometimes i can see with the console command r_stats that my cpu cant keep up, so is there a especially demanding graphic setting that uses alot of the cpu?.


  • goblingoblin Join Date: 2004-09-05 Member: 31412Members
    don't know exactly, but maybe the new infestation, put it in low
  • Thunder246Thunder246 Join Date: 2012-11-16 Member: 171789Members
    Yeah okay thanks:), i have a I7 920 3.8 ghz and a Ati 5970. Its often late game or in big battles i get fps drop.
  • Thunder246Thunder246 Join Date: 2012-11-16 Member: 171789Members
    edited November 2012
    I tested some settings now, it didnt seem like any difference turning infestian to minimal or some of the other settings (bloom and ambient occlusion i had off already) except when i tryed to turn off shadows. That seems to give my fps a good boost and my cpu.
  • caz32caz32 Join Date: 2012-11-06 Member: 167631Members
    edited November 2012
    The games broke pretty much atm.

    Im on an i5 3570k @ 4.4 ghz, 560 gtx, 8gb ram, 1680x1050 res, and I have to play with everything off, with only texture streaming on, multicore rendering and textures high, everything else just drops my fps constantly.

    I can max BF3 and Borderlands 2. This game just needs more optimization I think :). I get constant 60 fps from start to end with said settings above though, so all is good.
  • Thunder246Thunder246 Join Date: 2012-11-16 Member: 171789Members
    Yeah im at 1680x1050 resolution too, and get good fps now too, but with texture streaming on i get worse fps.
  • DestherDesther Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165195Members
    I have found fps drop heavily late game and I think a lot is to do with the game logic/lua rather than visual settings.
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