Few Simple Ideas

tremxtremx Join Date: 2012-11-07 Member: 168144Members
Alright so i'm pretty new to this game. But as I've played, I have thought of a few cool features, mostly not useful ones honestly, but here is a few...:
-Add in voice to speak to humans as an alien when in close proximity of said marine. (Mostly for the lulz) Like say you wanted to drop from the ceiling, it'd be great to yell GERANAMMOOOOO as a hoard of skulks fall upon unsuspecting marines.
-Add in a spider like alien race that allows you to capture a marine, and bring them back to a safe place to drain them for points for the commander or something like that.
-Make the skulk smaller, it seems to be far too big to be a class meant to skulk about in the small dark corners of the map.
-Add a gun to the marines that lets said marine fire a net, and do much like the alien spider thing.
That's about all I have right now, as you can see I do mostly play aliens so it's... A bit one sided. I'll come up with more stuff as I continue to play.


  • BlindgaBlindga Join Date: 2012-10-21 Member: 162931Members
    First post? Here's a little tip.

    Don't bunch your ideas together like this. I don't even know what to comment on here.

    Take some time and write posts for each of your ideas. Do searches to make sure you aren't duping threads first though. Take some time and flesh out the aspects of your ideas.

    You'll get noticed more if you take the time and effort to write the details. Make your ideas look like they work, don't just talk about them.
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