Compliments to the chef.
Join Date: 2012-11-04 Member: 166820Members
Well, I just wanted to thank you for an outstanding game. I unfortunately never got to play the original NS1, but I saw this and was instantly hooked. There only seems to be a very small handful of developers that I think put the time and effort you guys have put into Natural Selection 2. I wanted to compliment you on that. I have only really "fell in love" with 2-3 games in my life, and 2 of the 3 are Starsiege Tribes 1 & 2. I played those for years, despite them being less popular than other games of the time. NS2 is now one of those games I feel I'm falling in love with. I feel like this game is going to go far, and I'll be playing it many years in the future. Thank you so much for creating an excellent game. I always enjoyed the original Aliens vs. Predator games, and I feel this is slightly reminiscent of those, and it brings back many good memories of stalking the humans, and biting their arms off. I wouldn't care if NS2 had the graphics of a 1998 game, it would be fantastic. I again thank you for all of your fantastic work, and please keep doin' what you're doin', and have a great day.
Two things that I would have modded into this game instantly if I had any clue how to code