Server List

wh173wh173 Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166609Members
edited November 2012 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">"</div><b>couple of things annoyied me on the server list, and nowdays i expect them on everygame

so basicly they are:</b>

1 - listing by ping doesnt "stick" and doesnt refresh when the list is still being retrieved.

2 - cant list who´s inside servers, can only do that outside the game on steam. which defeats the purpose of the server list interface.

3 - cant refresh pings without refreshing entire list

4 - having a number to know how many people are trying to join the full server, where you are on the queue, and also perhaps estimated time to join.

and one more thing that i take from dota 2, and its great, which is:</b>

5 - if a server is full and i have to wait, would be cool that if i alt tabbed to do something else, i received a sound telling me that ive joined the game and that i should alt tab back. dota 2 do that by not turning off game sound when i alt tab. or, ns2 could do one better and make the entire game interface from start to server join windowed, and only going full screen once i join the server, kinda like bf3 does with battlelog.

those suggestions would make joining the game a much better/easier experience.

ps.: not really about the server list but i dont want to make a new topic for this:

once you join, should be a timer once the game starts to random everyone thats still on the readyroom, and people shouldnt be able to spam f4 to come back for a while once they are randomed. and kick for afking, inside the game and on the readyroom. taking slots and going afk really hurt the gameplay of whos playing.
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