Couldn't establish a connection with the server

mik2kmik2k Join Date: 2003-05-09 Member: 16164Members
When I try to join a server I often get the the error message "Couldn't establish a connection with the server". The retry command doesn't help. This happens irregularly, sometimes I can join 3 servers in a row without a hitch, sometimes I can try ten servers and I get the error everytime. It also doesn't matter if the server is an official one from UWE or a random server.

I can't recall having this problem in the beta at all. Game cache is verified, drivers etc. are all up to date. My hardware also didn't change.

Anyone else with this problem and/or a possible solution?

Thanks in advance.


  • blujayblujay Join Date: 2012-07-21 Member: 154277Members
    I'm getting this consistently, but only on certain servers; seemingly randomly including both official and unofficial servers, with persistence over several days.
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