A Reminder For Those Who May Need One...

SerrinSerrin Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2657Members
edited November 2002 in General Server Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">Re-Tweak your server after you patch.</div> I'm sure some, if not most, people will roll their eyes at this and say "newbie mistake". Well I am fairly new to running servers, in fact except for NS nothing I've run has had to be patched since I installed it, so I made a newbie server admin mistake.

After I patched I forgot to re-tweak everything. Many (if not most) of the changes were left alone, but some seemed to get overwritten. I followed many of the suggestions in this thread <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=8&t=9359&hl=map+change' target='_blank'>Thanks Tweedle!</a> and it lowered pings by about 20 to 30, I did some more things on my own that made some more minor differences I think, and I tested it all. Things improved, then I patched and all my tweaking got erased, but I didn't think about this until 2 days after I patched and thus at first I wasn't really all that impressed with the patch.

However now that I have readjusted things I have put Hera back in rotation (yay! my favorite map) with no pings staying steady over 200, occasionally someones will spike over that mark, but on average everyone stays around 150, which is awesome compared to 400+ I would get during a long match before. Bast now runs at near eclipse pings.

Eclipse is my "I love it as an admin because it pings awesome and the players like so yes I will happily change to eclipse if you ask me to" map. Pings on eclipse were around 50 for me and others near the server (Dallas) and sub-100 to 130ish for everyone else (dialup excluded) before 1.02. After 1.02 bast now runs comparably to those numbers and eclipse gives people near the server in the 30's and sub 100 for most players.

<a href='http://home.swbell.net/serrin/pings.jpg' target='_blank'>Screenshot of pings</a>

All that said I would still strongly recommend one major change for all servers not happy with pings, adjust the timelimit. I know this has been mentioned by many people including designers, but if you haven't done it yet try it. I have the mp_timelimit at 30, which means at most they usually get 2 rounds on any one map. It keeps things nice and smooth and it has the added effect of reducing boredom in case the last round runs really long.

Anyway, I know most of you probably remembered and did it already, I'm just trying to help those absent minded few like me


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