
  • ninjarninjar Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 165980Members
    Cisco DPC3825 DOCSIS 3.0 Gateway is all i'm using
  • ibetheadmiralibetheadmiral Join Date: 2012-11-11 Member: 169383Members
    My log file :

    Date: 11/10/12
    Time: 22:54:19
    Build 228
    Steam initialized
    Render Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti (
    Sound Device: Haut-parleurs (Realtek High Definition Audio) stereo
    Record Device: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 228

    Black screen at launch, a few sounds, then nothing happens. Alt+tab shows me that a window opened so I can send a bug report, which I tried : I wrote the report comments, clicked on Send, waited and... nothing happened. I have to Ctrl+shift+esc to kill the NS2 process or the "sending" bug report window won't close.

    what theeeee :(
  • psychoslotdrillpsychoslotdrill Join Date: 2012-11-13 Member: 170250Members
    im having the same problem originaly it faild to load shadders but now it will n ot load obstical
  • SpoookSpoook Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166244Members
    Having the same black screen on launch / bug report issue. Tried all fixes that iv found, nothing has helped. The game ran fine for 2ish days after launch, since then black screen. Getting pretty frustrating.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    edited November 2012
    This should be added to the OP!

    try this spoook:

    <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=124336" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/in...howtopic=124336</a>
    <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=124713" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/in...howtopic=124713</a>
  • ] Hider [] Hider [ Join Date: 2012-11-19 Member: 172456Members
    Why should any one have to do all of manual stuff to get things to work. It's kinda stupid. If the game does not work it's the game's problem. It's buggy, bad designed or what ever. I don't get this...
  • QlimaxQlimax Join Date: 2012-11-24 Member: 173087Members
    edited November 2012
    I'm having a problem where my server list is completely empty, it's happened before the 232 build but never for this long. My server list has basically been broken since the time build 232 came out. I've tried the ''possible solutions'' posted in the forum but nothing works. This is a very annoying bug and i'm glad i at least found the server browser program.

    I've posted screenshots how the server browser looks like and if you need any other info i'd gladly post it.

    <a href="http://www.roflsaurus.com/users/public/n37547Empty%20server%20lists88.png" target="_blank">http://www.roflsaurus.com/users/public/n37...r%20lists88.png</a> = NS2 empty server list.

    <a href="http://www.roflsaurus.com/users/public/h26386Server%20broswerg88.png" target="_blank">http://www.roflsaurus.com/users/public/h26...0broswerg88.png</a> = Server browser program i found on the forums, it's meant for comparison purposes.
  • OgraitOgrait Join Date: 2012-10-29 Member: 164306Members
    edited December 2012
    Server browser mixes somehow performance(?), favorites(?) and password(?) options. Seems like Qlimax have same prob^. If u press that upper button it shows favorites (which is mixed with performance), dunno how that glider should work. So Qlimax u have favorites selected and if no favorites serves, it shows nothing.

    <img src="http://www.freeimagehosting.net/newuploads/xoawm.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    Edit: Reso is 1280x960
  • MrCoalaMrCoala Join Date: 2012-12-17 Member: 175378Members
    Dear development team,

    this is the log of my last crash: <a href="http://pastebin.com/sptkmJSx" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/sptkmJSx</a>

    The game is constantly crashing for me, with luck i am able to play 1 hour without a crashing game and it is driving me crazy. I tried everything, changing the settings, new driver, new graphic card (have a gtx 650 now), disable the anti virus..
    Every crash differs a bit, the send log dialog appears sometimes (and i use it) sometimes it appears with a dump attached but the game is frozen and i cant send the log+dump (need to kill it via task manager) and sometimes it crashes telling me something about a virtual function call and sometimes it just tells me the .exe is not respondive anymore..

    Please help me..
  • NonlinNonlin Join Date: 2012-12-27 Member: 176437Members
    NS2 is not compatible with all USB mics. Certain USB mics with set mic volumes, sample rates and bit depths that can't be changed will not work with NS2.

    Please fix this!
  • lunchboffinlunchboffin Join Date: 2013-01-27 Member: 182451Members
    Can we add the following issue/fix pair to the sticky post?

    On Windows XP, if you get the "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)." error when trying to launch from NS2.exe (and simply no error message or activity from launching the game from Steam), it can be remedied by installing Quicktime from Apple.

    Would save people re-downloading the game, etc.
  • KoKa199KoKa199 Join Date: 2013-01-30 Member: 182638Members
    Hello there, i have a problem: the game crashes after some time playing. I've tried all the solutions from this thread, a score of some other threads from UW forums, also this http://guide4games.com/index.php/107-crashes/2161-game-crashes-crash-at-menu-crash-on-launching-crashing-while-playing-fix
    Still no succes, so i am asking for advice here. All the data gathered by TechSupport.exe can be found here:
    or should i post it here?
  • KoKa199KoKa199 Join Date: 2013-01-30 Member: 182638Members
    edited January 2013
    sorry, posted twice
  • SleekSleek Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182709Members
    Hi Guys,

    I am finding that the game is crashing randomly at times and am lucky to through a whole round through :/
    At times I will reconnect and play a bit and it will crash again shortly after, below is the text from the crash log file, can anyone give me any pointers on how I could avoid the crashing?

    Date: 02/03/13
    Time: 10:34:30
    Build 239
    Steam initialized
    Render Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 (
    Sound Device: Speakers (Logitech G35 Headset) 7.1
    Record Device: Microphone (Logitech G35 Headset)
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 239
    Steam Id: 15474611
    Error: IDirect3DDevice9::Reset to 1920x1080 failed (Device lost)
    Connecting to server
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/environment/light_flicker_01.cinematic'
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_mineshaft.level
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel_prop1.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel_prop2.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/mouth.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler_egg.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler_ball.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/door/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/electronic/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/rock/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/thin_metal/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/membrane/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/armor/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/flesh/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/flame/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/infestation/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/glass/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel_prop1.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel_prop2.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/mouth.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler_egg.animation_graph'
    Warning: Min Falloff (156.05760192871) is greater than Max Falloff (151.1808013916) for ambient sound event named: sound/NS2.fev/ambient/cave/mineshaft_basetone
    Warning: Min Falloff (156.05760192871) is greater than Max Falloff (151.42999267578) for ambient sound event named: sound/NS2.fev/ambient/spooky_music_mineshaft
    Sgt_Lambert killed nes > illuminate with Bite
    GrouchoTheFirst killed Sgt_Lambert with Rifle
    Balls Deep vol.7 killed GrouchoTheFirst with Bite
    skirmishmaster killed nes > illuminate with Bite
    skirmishmaster killed GrouchoTheFirst with Bite
    Balls Deep vol.7 killed Infantry Portal with Bite
    Slave killed Balls Deep vol.7 with Rifle
    [NC]^ killed skirmishmaster with Rifle
    Random killed [NC]^ with Bite
    Error: IDirect3DDevice9::Reset to 1920x1080 failed (Device lost)
    Sgt_Lambert killed Tahlrush with Bite
    Random killed crazytofu with Bite
    RICExEaTeR killed Slave with Bite
    RICExEaTeR killed Infantry Portal with Bite
    [Shorty]^ killed Random with Rifle
    SkeelNully killed insert name here with Bite
    Balls Deep vol.7 killed Command Station with Bite
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 239
    Steam Id: 15474611
    Chat All - Balls Deep vol.7: GG
    Chat All - Slave: ;\
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 239
    Steam Id: 15474611
    Connecting to server
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/esES.txt:267: Expected '='
    Error: gamestrings/itIT.txt:59: Expected '='
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_veil.level
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_veil.level'
    Error: Couldn't load texture 'materials/descent/descent_floor_01_a_normal.dds' (File not found)
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel_prop1.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel_prop2.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/mouth.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler_egg.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler_ball.model'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/door/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/electronic/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/rock/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/thin_metal/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/membrane/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/armor/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/flesh/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/flame/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/infestation/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'cinematics/materials/glass/ricochetrailgun.cinematic'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel_prop1.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel_prop2.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/tunnel.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/tunnel/mouth.animation_graph'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/babbler/babbler_egg.animation_graph'
    killed Extractor with Bite
    green eggs & ham killed ps_die with Pistol
    [] Stephan killed Sleek with Pistol
    Fanny Foo-Foo killed [] redbeanporkchop with Rifle
    [] Stephan killed Cryoforge.jpg with Pistol
    Error: SoundEventInstance::SetPropertyFloat(unknown, 18=0.733672)): setValue(): An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
    Positus killed ps_die with Pistol
    Sleek killed [] Stephan with Bite
    L00B killed Fanny Foo-Foo with Bite
    Error: Couldn't load texture 'materials/descent/descent_floor_01_a_normal.dds' (File not found)
    Chat All - Cryoforge.jpg: stephan you fucking cheat
    ZiPPy killed Positus with Bite
    Sicarius killed Sharft 6 with Spit
    DooM killed ZiPPy with Rifle
    Chat All - Fanny Foo-Foo: well the first part of your name is oddly appropriate
    Sleek killed Sarin with Bite
    Error: SoundEventInstance::SetPropertyFloat(unknown, 18=0.733672)): setValue(): An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
    Sharft 6 killed Klumpy with Rifle
    Error: SoundEventInstance::SetPropertyFloat(unknown, 18=0.733672)): setValue(): An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
    Fanny Foo-Foo killed Sleek with Pistol
    killed Harvester with None
    Cryoforge.jpg killed Sarin with Bite
    Sleek killed [] Stephan with Bite
    Fanny Foo-Foo killed [] redbeanporkchop with Rifle
    Error: SoundEventInstance::SetPropertyFloat(unknown, 18=0.733672)): setValue(): An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
    Error: SoundEventInstance::SetPropertyFloat(unknown, 18=0.733672)): setValue(): An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
    L00B killed DooM with Bite
    Sharft 6 killed L00B with Pistol
    Sleek killed Ohnocameltoe with Bite
    [] Stephan killed Sleek with Mine
  • Psycho253Psycho253 Join Date: 2013-02-11 Member: 182999Members
    edited February 2013
    Ok so the problem that I am having is when I attempt to start up the game I get a “Preparing to launch Natural Selection 2” I have tried every solution in this forum. I have even attempted to contact support but they couldn’t give me an answer. The game used to work and all the sudden it doesn’t. These are the steps I have tried.
    1) Run dxsetup in drive\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Natural Selection 2\redist\directx\
    2) Delete the folder drive\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Natural Selection 2\ns2\shaders
    3) Press the Windows key and R (Win+R) (No Windows key? Try this) and type %APPDATA%\Natural Selection 2 then press enter.
    4) Delete all the files in this folder
    5) Verify the Integrity of the NS2 Game Cache:
    6) In Steam, go to the Natural Selection 2 menu option, Right-click>Properties>Local Files>Verify Integrity of Cache
    7) Disable all mods or even unsubscribe from them in Workshop
    8) Re-Installing
    I have no clue what else to try at this point and am about to give up, I have spent too many hours on trying to fix this problem and have no solutions from even the support. About to ask for refund….

    Also does anyone know if there is an actual support for this game? I kinda looks like they rely on us solving each others problems...
  • ChizzlerChizzler Join Date: 2013-01-04 Member: 177532Members
    Psycho253 wrote: »
    Ok so the problem that I am having is when I attempt to start up the game I get a “Preparing to launch Natural Selection 2” I have tried every solution in this forum. I have even attempted to contact support but they couldn’t give me an answer. The game used to work and all the sudden it doesn’t. These are the steps I have tried.
    1) Run dxsetup in drive\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Natural Selection 2\redist\directx\
    2) Delete the folder drive\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Natural Selection 2\ns2\shaders
    3) Press the Windows key and R (Win+R) (No Windows key? Try this) and type %APPDATA%\Natural Selection 2 then press enter.
    4) Delete all the files in this folder
    5) Verify the Integrity of the NS2 Game Cache:
    6) In Steam, go to the Natural Selection 2 menu option, Right-click>Properties>Local Files>Verify Integrity of Cache
    7) Disable all mods or even unsubscribe from them in Workshop
    8) Re-Installing
    I have no clue what else to try at this point and am about to give up, I have spent too many hours on trying to fix this problem and have no solutions from even the support. About to ask for refund….

    Also does anyone know if there is an actual support for this game? I kinda looks like they rely on us solving each others problems...

    1. Making a new thread for this issue is probably more likely to get results than posting in this one.
    2. You've failed to actually explain the issue...I assume it gets stuck on "Preparing to launch Natural Selection 2" with no further error message though you haven't stated this.
    3. You haven't given your system specs or a time frame for when the issue began (what build of NS2 did it originate on? if unknown, last week? 2 weeks ago?) The best way to solve an issue is to give them as much information as possible.

    Now, onto potential fixes...

    This isn't an issue unique to NS2 (a quick google search will show you this much) and as such it may not be the game that is the issue.

    First, ensure steam is not running (exit and check task manager to ensure the process has ended)

    1.Delete 'clientregistry.blob from the steam directory. Relaunch steam (it'll go through an update process) and attempt to launch NS2
    2. Failing that, try running steam in administrator mode
    3. if it still doesn't work, reinstall steam...this shouldn't remove your gamedata so you won't need to re-download everything...however, if you want to be sure, backup the steamapps folder beforehand.

    Hopefully this will solve your issue (the 1st step is the most likely solution). To answer your final question, Yes there is actual support for this game...Not only do devs regularly post in this section, but certain play-testers (ironhorse comes to mind) are extremely good at answering support questions such as this.
  • mozark24mozark24 Join Date: 2013-03-24 Member: 184358Members
    Just bought the game and now I'm getting this error about every other game...
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: ns2.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 514a456e
    Fault Module Name: Spark_Core.dll
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 514a0992
    Exception Code: 40000015
    Exception Offset: 001c7237
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: cc5b
    Additional Information 2: cc5badf744b14637a0012c519010b7d1
    Additional Information 3: b19e
    Additional Information 4: b19e702b945f74b39a07bed4aae33a25
  • johnny truantjohnny truant Join Date: 2008-03-09 Member: 63827Members, Reinforced - Silver
    OK so I can get into the game, join a game, run around for 10 seconds and then get black screen of death. Can't ctrl+alt+del, nothing works. Ambient sounds still play. Have to do a forced restart :(

    Operating System: Windows 8 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (9200.win8_gdr.130108-1504)
    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    System Model: To be filled by O.E.M.
    BIOS: BIOS Date: 10/18/12 11:23:26 Ver: 04.06.05
    Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
    Memory: 8192MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 8178MB RAM
    Page File: 1968MB used, 10817MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\Windows
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DX Setup Parameters: None
    User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
    DxDiag Version: 6.02.9200.16384 32bit Unicode

    Here is log:

    Date: 04/04/13
    Time: 22:26:05
    Build 243
    Steam initialized
    Render Device: AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series (
    Error: SoundSystem::SetDevice - invalid ID
    Sound Device: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device) stereo
    Record Device: disabled
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 243
    Steam Id: 4242945
    Connecting to server
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
    Warning: Overriding map's pathing_settings.option_tile_size from 48 to 36
    Error: Couldn't open file 'materials/descent/discovery_floor_01.material'
    Error: No shader specified for material 'materials/descent/discovery_floor_01.material'
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_descent.level
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
    Compiling 'shaders/GUISmoke.surface_shader'
    bOingball killed MakeZz|Cryo| with Bite
    Lizard King killed bOingball with Rifle
    Uncl3dad killed Lizard King with Bite
    Ninj killed PiRRiaQuE with Rifle
    notydino killed MILSTER with Rifle
    notydino killed Uncl3dad with Rifle
    Spuddaby killed Ninj with Spit
    Compiling 'shaders/GUIWavyNoMask.surface_shader'
  • dav3ybdav3yb Join Date: 2013-05-21 Member: 185313Members
    This game has become completely unplayable for me due to constantly getting "invalid data" when trying to join servers. I've tried checking the cache, uninstalling and reinstalling, and using revo to uninstall and find all associated files with the game and deleting those and reinstalling. I can't say exactly when it started, as I play off and on, but at the current time, i cannot join any server at all. Also nearly all servers appear empty to me, as of this post i think i only hit 1 server that claims to be populated, but invalid data keeps me from joining it. If there's any additional info I need to give just let me know, but it seems this issue has been common before from reading various posts around the steam forums.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    @dav3yb sounds like your game needs to get updated from steam?
  • BloodandIronBloodandIron Join Date: 2012-11-24 Member: 173111Members
    edited May 2013
    I am having the same problem as dav3yb, any time I attempt to join a game, even against bots, I am booted to the main menu, with the error message "Invalid Data". I have verified the cache, restarted my computer, and will delete and redownload it tonight.

    I have only had this problem since today, by the way.

    EDIT: I have deleted and redownloaded the entire game, still unsuccessful. This time, I got the error message that my game was different than the one used by the server. Verifying cache again, I guess.
  • RyujjinRyujjin Join Date: 2013-05-27 Member: 185387Members
    Hi Folks,

    The half off weekend build worked fine but after purchasing the game this week the launcher loads but is unresponsive (the overlay for steam works), I click on play or any menu item and the menu shifts to the right of the screen then I can’t do anything except launch the console. Tried reinstalling NS2, DirectX and following some of the suggestions on the forum but nada. Sucks not to be able to play on a holiday. I have tried most of the suggestions from Zaggy.

    Direct X 11.0 runtime, GeForce GTX 650 driver 320.18 dedicated 1024 Gb GDR memory, 6 Gb system Win7 SP1 (x64) Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU 2.40 GHz


  • GalaxistGalaxist Join Date: 2013-03-13 Member: 183919Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited May 2013
    Had the same problem, getting "Invalid Data", and "Your game files do not match the server's. Try verifying your game cache in Steam, or maybe an update just came out."

    Happened to be caused by me messing around with some modding which had me edit the Client.lua and launch it from another directory. Just needed to manually copy/update the file or remove the launch options from steam.
  • BloodandIronBloodandIron Join Date: 2012-11-24 Member: 173111Members
    Fixed my problem, I disabled all of my mods and played a couple games. Now I guess I just need to identify the responsible mod.
  • shonanshonan Join Date: 2013-01-28 Member: 182562Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Adding this here:

    If you are having performance and/or mouse issues try disabling raw input. It has fixed issues for several people including me.
  • humandragon1humandragon1 Join Date: 2008-11-14 Member: 65452Members
    I've probably got one of the easier problems, I've had this before on other games, including NS1. but its been so long since I've played these games, i forget how to deal with it

    Problem: when trying to play "Training" all works fine, Until it loads. I get into the game for a brief moment, then get kicked from my own server due to a Map difference from servers error.
    Still in the midst of troubleshooting / fixing it. but if anyone already has an answer that would be wonderful :)

    Thank you
  • nepumaxnepumax Join Date: 2012-11-20 Member: 172546Members
    Got a problem. I can't start a match in "Explore Mode". Everytime I start it, shortly after "Initializing..." I get thrown back to the main menu and receive this message:


    I verified game cache.
    Same message.

    I deleted all mods and unsubscribed them.
    I reinstalled NS2 completely.
    Deleted %APPDATA%\Natural Selection 2\...
    Same message.

    But I can connect to every public server...
  • Gen_NS2Gen_NS2 Join Date: 2013-07-07 Member: 185980Members
    Hello, my PC keeps crashing randomly (sometimes after 10min, or sometimes 1 hour). Before the version 250 it was fine. I tryied the following Direct X/ Geforce instructions reinstall but no success. Please help. Attached my tech support zip file.
  • mrtophat3mrtophat3 Join Date: 2013-07-10 Member: 186023Members
    i have a problem were if i click on anything in the the starting screen it will just show the name of it but it wont show up

    it just ends up being a blank screen like this
  • ZaggyZaggy NullPointerException The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-12-10 Member: 24214Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Onos, Subnautica Playtester
    Gen_NS2 wrote: »
    Hello, my PC keeps crashing randomly (sometimes after 10min, or sometimes 1 hour). Before the version 250 it was fine. I tryied the following Direct X/ Geforce instructions reinstall but no success. Please help. Attached my tech support zip file.
    Hi Gen_NS2, could you create a separate thread in Tech Support for this please?

    mrtophat3 wrote: »
    i have a problem were if i click on anything in the the starting screen it will just show the name of it but it wont show up

    it just ends up being a blank screen like this
    Hi mrtophat3,
    Could you try the steps in the first post of this topic please?

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