Hoykeys for evolving/armoury

Jed142Jed142 Join Date: 2012-10-10 Member: 162023Members
<div class="IPBDescription">increase your APM</div>thought it would be cool to have hot keys to get items from the armoury or to evolve

I was thinking maybe 1,2,3,4... for each item at the armoury. so for example E+1 would get you mines, then just walk away to exit. No clicking involved.

With evolving it could be the same. 1-3 , 4-6, 7-9 for each upgrade. then Press SPACE BAR to complete your selection and evolve. not sure about selecting each alien.

but some sort of hot key system would be nice. After all, doesn't all RTS games have almost everything hotkeyed? also I hate pressing the evolve button, Space bar would be awesome to complete the evolve. Or E or something like that.
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