Skulk teamplay idea

hankyhanky Join Date: 2011-08-28 Member: 118944Members
Hey had an idea wanted to share with you guys.

How would you guys feel if there was an ability for the skulk to "grab" ahold of a marine. It would leave him completely exposed and easy to kill....but, it would slow him and not allow him to jump and move out the way. This way, your teammate can attack the marine while you hold on to him. This will promote teamplay with skulks. And, it won't be to op because its pretty easy to kill stationary skulks.

So just of it: You and friendly skulk see a marine in the base, you say I'll grab you kill. You press "3" on keyboard to select the grab function. Run in grab the marine, he tries to shoot you while your teammate kills him before him doing so.

It can inflict a "little" damage, but doesn't have to do so. The second you release they key it frees the marines up and he can move normally.

Suggest a growling sound is added to the skulk while he uses this ability.

It probably should be researched as an ability.

It "could" (depending on how op you want it) cause other skulks to do more damage. (don't see a need to really do this, but depends on high up you want it to be as far as an upgrade, if it requires 3 hives and is a late game mechanic then I say it should)

Also once the Skulk bites on, he can't move either. So you can't just keep running around. It's more like the marine is "dragging" the skulk around.

It's basically useless if you do this by yourself, should help create teamplay for the Aliens.

Hope you like my idea ;) And I'm suggesting this post 1.0 of course, or post post post 1.0. Just an idea up for discussion.
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