Skulk Bite effect

messageboymessageboy Join Date: 2012-10-25 Member: 163557Members
This is just my opinion and thoughts, just something to allow others to think over and maybe even be added into the game.

I don't know as much about the game as a lot of others but from what I have read and seen, it looks like the aliens are more of a smart/cunning type with using tricks, environment or ambushes to gain the edge. This isn't a bad thing and I don't mind such a thing either, one thing that I did notice was that the skulk is used for the majority of a match unlike the marine side. I have read some threads about how people want skulks to be stronger or similar threads, I am kinda in agreement with both sides, since the aliens shouldn't be such a powerhouse like the marine side is made like. Instead the aliens should be more creative, cunning and smart about their tactics and play styles, which is why part of me don't want the skulks to become as powerful as some people want, on the other hand however from the many matches that I have watched and things that I have read. It just seems that the skulk is missing something for being a unit that the aliens are forced to use for the majority, at the same time can't become so powerful where they can win without the use of the evolved forms.

This is a hard thing to do, that is something that I can understand and so my idea would most likely not be as good as I imagine. Still it is better if I do get it out here.

The skulk bite could be given a special effect from the start or as a cheap upgrade, this effect is meant to make them slightly better mid/late game than early game. The idea is that the skulk's bite is able to weaken the armor protection of players (Maybe buildings, yet I don't think that would be a good idea at all.) by a very small amount for a short period. Now what I mean by small amount, is that it is very very small, like 1% or 2% reduction upon the bite. Sure this would make them slightly better but with such a small amount would be hardly no different, which is why you make it so that the bites effect adds up for each bite that hits within the very short duration of either the first bite or last bite that hit the player.

With the amount being made very small on purpose to make it have hardly any effect early game except if multiple skulks gain up on one or two marines, still that usually a death sentence for marines anyway depending on skills but same would still apply for the bites. Later game when the more armor upgrades and exosuits come out, the bite effects will play more of a role with more bites needing to be done to them unlike early game therefor the small amount becoming larger due to the many bites.

So basically the more bites it takes for a skulk to take down a player, the more the effect actually makes a difference which is usually the case mid/late game. This bite effect could also be used to aid the other classes of aliens, therefor making the skulk more of the cunning/smart type of unit that fits in the alien side while not making them too strong.

I welcome all thoughts about this.


  • IdlerayIdleray Join Date: 2012-10-04 Member: 161464Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    So some kind of stacking debuff with no time limit applied per bite? Doesn't seem very intuitive. I'm also not really seeing how this ties in with creativity in alien tactics: I'm not imagining any marine with significant enough life expectancy after suffering x number of bites for this armor debuff to make a difference, especially since if the marine dies such a thing would reset.

    Skulks currently actually have a lot of playstyle options that only become apparent with time: You can be a front line suicide warrior, a scout and ambusher, a hit-and-run RT demolisher, a bait to divert attention for other skulks if you climb up walls and make marines lose track of whats on the ground by trying to kill you etc. etc.
    I just wish the upgrades they get could help them perform these rules more effectively.
  • lolwowlolwow Join Date: 2012-10-06 Member: 161681Members
    bro, if you haven't played the game yet, please don't talk about it
    crafting theories doesn't work when you don't have the chance to try it out
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