Gorges supporting Oni

Laosh'RaLaosh'Ra Join Date: 2011-12-09 Member: 137232Members
<div class="IPBDescription">is this really still so viable?</div>i can understand how this was very useful when the onos still had hide armor (making every single point of hp or armor more effective) and less overall health/armor. but right now, what i see in competitive matches is many gorges dying because the onos has to leave them behind. ignoring the minor cost for the gorge, couldn't a skulk be more effective as it forces the marines to deal with them first (or die quickly)? as for out-of-combat, a heavily injured onos usually goes back to a hive anyway (unless he has to desperately defend a certain position).
maybe i'm wrong with this as this is more of a spontanious thought. but even so, please enlighten me why.


  • HeatSurgeHeatSurge Some Guy Join Date: 2012-09-15 Member: 159438Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited October 2012
    A gorge can bile-bomb from pretty far away and outside of LOS, while the onos defends it. That's usually what makes the gorge+onos or gorge+fade combo particularly powerful, in addition to the gorge healing the fade/onos obviously...
  • Laosh'RaLaosh'Ra Join Date: 2011-12-09 Member: 137232Members
    yea that's fine and i sometimes do that myself, but you also see this without bile bomb being researched.
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Without bilebomb it's probably not worth it no, the heal rate is too low to have any significant impact during combat and it usually results in the gorge(s) getting killed. You could indeed just have the extra skulks. Just need a good onos players who knows when it's time to gtfo.
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