Gorilla comentators

NEX9NEX9 Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members
edited October 2012 in Squad Five
If you like me you have about 170 odd games in your steam list. 150 of them kick ass multiplayers games. Some still heavily active by large players bases. And if your like me you have a list of friends so that just about every game you click on you can find or see if a friend is playing it. So we have the means right here now all we need is the man power and the process.

The process is simple. Find a few friends that love and play NS. Se what games you have in common. Now tag team up run through your games list. Log in both of you visit the same popular server. Get in play for a bit.
Ok now here's that thing, you know that thing. That one guy who comes in to servers. And links something. He might get a few nibbles. He talks it up says its cool he might get a few more. But if someone says yeah i seen that its hillarious, or really good. Boom every ones alt tabbing to click the link.

So in short that's the process create a ripple effect directing traffic to NS2 by teaming up with a buddy. Scan your game list find active games with big audiences one start a convo mid play about how good NS 2 is. Don't lay it on too thick. Just recant that really good game you had the other day. And both be in aggreance. If some one asks what's ns2 you might of snagged a fish. So just tell them. Link them to a you tube video the web site. Or say google natural selection2 or steam it.

Who knows you might even find other players in the same game same server. That are on the same page and join in on your gorilla commentary. You might find original fan bois to bring back into the fold. And you might find one or two that arnt on the same page but have seen it and jump into assist the hype.

You could play good cop bad cop. One person talks about ns2 the other pretends to be the guy fainting interest asking questions. You know all the questions people are thinking they want to ask but never do.

Gold mines to hit will be your local mmo's, your fav wow server. Your eve toon in the biggest coalition. You might not get a solid chats about it in the barrens or jita. But try dodixe, or a pirate port. If you play guild wars have a hola about ns2 there. The sky's the limits if two fan bois get together and promote together on large gaming circles.

Reel them in guys
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