New Medpack-system

Mr.GreedyMr.Greedy Join Date: 2012-07-21 Member: 154270Members
edited September 2012 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">More difference between med and nano</div>I dislike the medpacksystem. What are they doing? They can heal you, of course. But they can also preventing you from taking damage like nanoshield if u spamm them. I think one ability with this function is enough.

Currently nano and meds are similar in their gameplay-function. The idea now is to use nanoshield to prevent marines from damage IN fights and medpacks to heal marines AFTER fights. =

- Increase medpack tres-cost to 2
- Increase amount of heal to 100
- remove instantheal
- add heal over time (10 per second)
- no medpack and nanoshield on one target at the same time
- decrease the nanoshield-tres costs OR remove the cooldown
- no more medpack-item to pickup on the ground, just aim nearby a marine like nanoshield(no more fail drops)
- add a strong visuell effect like the nanoshield( maybe a littel drone levitates above the marine and heal him with a green light)
- medpack should be renamed to meddrone :>

Of course, u can still use medpacks(drones :>) in fight but they are less effective and a nanoshield would be the much better option in fight(for what they designed for).


  • RobustPenguinRobustPenguin Join Date: 2012-08-17 Member: 155719Members
    The heal over time is nice, personally I would just prefer to either increase the cost to 2 or 3 team res OR give it a cool down of around 2 seconds.
  • VenatosVenatos Join Date: 2012-03-31 Member: 149762Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    yes to heal over time.(no stacking of multiple medpacks)10hp/s sounds good.
    yes to nano or heal.
    yes to rebalanceing the cost of both acordingly.(50hp/5sec=1Tres or 100/10=2Tres)

    i personaly would leave the medpack drops because as alien i sometimes try to get the commander to spend Tres for medpacks on single marines in trouble. ;)
  • BitcrusherBitcrusher Join Date: 2012-08-28 Member: 156628Members
    nano shield needs a cooldown.. its pretty strong. I think its fine how it is, even if you keep the marine healed he has to reload his weapons and that is when the skulk can destroy your babysitted marine.
  • supsusupsu Join Date: 2012-04-24 Member: 151023Members, Squad Five Blue
  • GreenFlameGreenFlame Join Date: 2011-03-17 Member: 86860Members
    I think it depends on the real medpack purpose. Is it to heal during combat or only to heal remotely from Armory?

    If it's the 2nd then maybe marines could pick them up and then LMB to use on self and RMB to heal teammate. And maybe ability to carry 1 med pack in the 4th(mines) slot and buy for like 5 pres.

    So healing right in the fight wouldn't be instant and there would be a nice gameplay part where one can choose to keep the med or to help out someone, to shoot or to risk but try to save team-mate. And it's more interacton in general which adds bit more depth to the gameplay.

    Could work as a mod using Mines' animation for holding/running/use. I wish someone made it =)

    Side note: picking items with E when pointing at them directly seems to be a better way than just press G to pick, would make mid-fight healing even harder.
  • measlesmeasles Join Date: 2007-02-26 Member: 60122Members, Constellation
    Oh, more NERFING..
    You don't make something GREAT from taking things away.
  • RobustPenguinRobustPenguin Join Date: 2012-08-17 Member: 155719Members
    In that case how about more abilities for the khamm? Currently you can spikes (only on infestation and 2 hives), spawn a drifter, walk it accross the map and use enzyme and mist. Compared to scan (observatory), medpack, ammopack, nanoshield (2 hives) and recall. The lack of stuff to do makes me spend more time out of the chair than in when playing khamm, if you're in there permanently you just twiddle your thumbs waiting for stuff to build.

    Im not saying we need direct copies of abilities but more active effects to differentiate a khamm who knows the basics from a khamm who is really ontop of things would be nice. Potentially this could even be used to help aliens lack of a decisive finisher too? Though that may be too much like arcs.
  • measlesmeasles Join Date: 2007-02-26 Member: 60122Members, Constellation
    ' Attend the details and the matters will sort themselves out'. The BIG NEG on khamm is that it's not rewarding. And hopeless when your team isn't near structures that are being attacked. Without the Harvester nothing can evolve. Without resource nothing can be build, unless a different way of collecting res is established.
  • RobustPenguinRobustPenguin Join Date: 2012-08-17 Member: 155719Members
    See, the problem with that ultimately comes from having to build it over 45 seconds. During that time the harvester has low HP and is giving you nothing. There is already a potential solution in place, the shift. Incase you dont know when you upgrade a mature shift it allows you to teleport structures onto infestation, it doesn't allow you to teleport harvesters though. If I could teleport my mature baseres over to the new resnode and drop the new harvester in my base it would help out severely since the time aliens have to get there is increased and If im a smart khamm Ill be gorge anyway so I can hop out and heal up.

    Disadvantage? Bloody expensive and not an early game option, 15 res for shift hive, 15 res for shift, wait a while for maturity, 15 res for upgrade and then a few res to teleport.
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