An option to enable camera rotation

AdreniAdreni Join Date: 2012-09-12 Member: 159063Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Because wall-walk demands it</div>I'm watching the Total Biscuit coverage of this game and while I'm sure you MIGHT have changed such things already, I have my doubts so I'm gonna just put this out there regardless of whether or not the problem's been fixed.


I played AVP2... the demo, anyway. I ran all over the place as an Alien. Never ONCE did I get a headache, never once did I hurl, and if I DID get a headache I really didn't care.

I understand that lots of people get vertigo. I understand that lots of people get motion sickness. I did back when my mom drove a cab... eugh. Absolutely hated "boxwheels" back then.

But no. In the world of computer games I do NOT get vertigo and I do NOT get motion sickness. There are lots of us out there, I'm sure. Just like those people who don't get headaches from 3D (*raises hand*).

So yes... as I said in response to Total Biscuit's coverage, I'm EXTREMELY unlikely to play Alien at all. I'd sooner spend half an hour waiting for an opening in the Marines for no reason other than the bad wall-walking.

Solution? Why not please EVERYONE? You can actually do that sometimes. As the title says... throw in an option to ENABLE the classic wall-walk camera rotation as seen in the AVP series. Should be simple, no?

But yes... I'm very, very serious. Having no screen rotation is extremely disorienting to me. I can keep up with the camera just fine and I'm sure a very good portion of other people can too. It shouldn't be that big of a deal, it isn't going to break the game for anyone, and it will keep people like me from shunning half the game.


  • spellman23spellman23 NS1 Theorycraft Expert Join Date: 2007-05-17 Member: 60920Members
    Been suggested many, many times before.

    Original testing indicated that it wouldn't work and cause motion sickness for the majority of people. Mostly because of the weird geometry of the walls in in NS2. And instead people have been able to figure out wall walking with camera always down.

    However, it's one of the most frequently requested optional features, so hopefully it gets added eventually.

    Perhaps try modding it up and see if you can get it pulled into the game?
  • AdreniAdreni Join Date: 2012-09-12 Member: 159063Members
    Would love to. Sadly, I'm not exactly mod-savvy, nor am I actually part of the beta. I'm just watching from Youtube, noticing various things that really, REALLY bother me, such as lack of tight-aim and friendly fire and the position of the alien camera (in the mouth? Really? There are other ways to show the player he's BITING... that don't involve reducing the altitude of the camera even more!)

    In fact, I'm about to make a post in regards to what I hope is NOT going to be a problem... WACOM support or lack thereof. I mean... really. Moonbase Alpha has it.
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