Change the animation speed
Hi there,
any Idea how I could change the speed of some animations without editing the model file?
I want to do a fast reload upgrade for the combat mod.
I've already changed the kAnimationSpeedStep so all animations were faster (just for testing),
but when I reloaded the rifle and the animation was finished, I can't should and had to wait the normal time.
any Idea how I could change the speed of some animations without editing the model file?
I want to do a fast reload upgrade for the combat mod.
I've already changed the kAnimationSpeedStep so all animations were faster (just for testing),
but when I reloaded the rifle and the animation was finished, I can't should and had to wait the normal time.
Here is an excerpt from an email I got from Brian explaining how it works:
Look in function <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->Alien:OnUpdateAnimationInput(modelMixin)
That calls:
modelMixin:SetAnimationInput("attack_speed", self:GetIsEnzymed() and kEnzymeAttackSpeed or kDefaultAttackSpeed)<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
So the animation is faster when the Alien is enzymed.
Catalyst for marines works in the same way. You already have that working in Combat mod....