Small editor suggestion
<div class="IPBDescription">small but kind of annoying</div>Don't know whether this belongs in suggestions or mapping, but it seems too specific to be in the general suggestions forum.
When using the move tool in the 3D view, the 3 vectors and 3 rectangles which relate to 2 axis are really useful. However, when your viewpoint is positioned in such a way that all 3 vectors point away from you, one of the rectangles is obscured by the other two, which can get quite annoying. If the 3 vector tool was placed in such a way that all the vectors pointed towards the viewpoint, all 3 rectangles would always be accessible.
Not such a big thing, just annoying sometimes.
When using the move tool in the 3D view, the 3 vectors and 3 rectangles which relate to 2 axis are really useful. However, when your viewpoint is positioned in such a way that all 3 vectors point away from you, one of the rectangles is obscured by the other two, which can get quite annoying. If the 3 vector tool was placed in such a way that all the vectors pointed towards the viewpoint, all 3 rectangles would always be accessible.
Not such a big thing, just annoying sometimes.