Thanks a ton UWE!

NukoeNukoe Join Date: 2012-08-05 Member: 154821Members
edited September 2012 in NS2 General Discussion
Wow, I did not expect this. Thanks for listening to the community in regards to pricing, 24.99 is a much more acceptable range for newcomers. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret paying what I did one bit and even without all the extra goodies I'd be fine with it...but a few of my friends couldn't justify spending 30+, so this is an awesome move. Many more of my buddies will be able to play with me now.

Second, giving us a free copy is amazing. One of my interested friends unfortunately games on a laptop, and while it's a good laptop, he's not sure if he can run the game. Originally, I suggested the idea of a "guest" pass to give to friends for a few days so they can try it out, or perhaps a referral program to give friends the game at a discounted price...but I never expected this. Now he'll be able to give the game a shot without feeling buyers remorse if for some reason it doesn't run too well. Even if for some reason it runs poorly, he's getting a gaming PC eventually.

Hats off to you guys. Now off to tell him the good news=)


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