Hydra Balancing

perkyperky Join Date: 2012-08-31 Member: 157042Members
edited September 2012 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">Give them very high health.</div>In your unit roles spreadsheet the primary mechanic of Hydras is to be "Delayer, Scalable mid-field force".
In my experience on patch 217 I've found hydras to play little part in influencing the battle.

So I thought why are Hydra's dealing any damage at all? Leave that the the aliens. If Hydra's are to support the team as a delayer than they should have some kind of delaying effect. I think Hyrda's should deal no damage but instead shoot projectiles with a small knock-back effect pushing marines away from the Hydra. Positioning would play an important roles, if a marine were to get between a Hydra and the alien base then the Hydra would push the marine towards the alien base. The knock-back effect should not be large, just enough to give a little support in a battle. I think Hyrda's should also have a fairly high resistance to bullets but fire can wipe them out in seconds, I like to think of Hydra's as pesky weeds that are really tough to get rid.


  • .ADHd.ADHd Join Date: 2012-02-18 Member: 146565Members
    Hydras aren't meant to be the end all area denial structure. If they take damage they need a gorge nearby to heal them. Honestly, with the current gorge heal rate you shouldn't be losing hydras unless you have left the area or didn't correctly cover them with clogs.

    Also, your experiences with hydras have mostly been in unorganized public matches.

    A good coordinated team will make amazing use out of hydras. Watch some competitive videos where a gorge is used.

    They are extremely useful in the early game to block off and deny a hallway leading to your 2nd hive. So effective I would say overpowered. The hydras need no changing.

    Theres no way they are going to be changed from damaging to non damaging. That is a travesty to the Natural Selection formula.

    It's like saying "Hey lets make the AWP takes 3 body shots to kill" in CS. Not gonna happen ever.
  • RMJRMJ Join Date: 2012-08-09 Member: 155190Members
    Maybe Hydras would benefit from the players or team upgrades, so if you or the team have carapace, well so does the hydras, if you have regen well so those hydra.

    Might be best to just base it on the player, might be a tad overkill with hydra having all upgrades :P
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