A Skulk Speaks



  • Pika-CthulhuPika-Cthulhu Join Date: 2002-11-19 Member: 9386Members
    In relation to the glory hog CS players using knives, I made 5 Welder kills one game, not because I wanted the glory of it (although a few situations could have ben handled more safely) but out of sheer necessity (and the welder does more damage than the knife) took out 2 gorges and 3 skuls with the welder, granted they had been hurt, but I chased 2 down and welded their mouths shut. It was purely out of neccesity, as I was out of ammo, lucky that most of the time I had Heavy armour and could stand to dance with a skulk. Plus it adds more hilarity to be killed by the welder. (or self killed on earlier servers, which I did to one fade who was attacking the CC, i perched myself on the ladder, just out of his reach, and welded him to bits, instant self kill)

    Oh and I use the welder to damage buildings, works faster than the knife.

    As for the skulks tips, duly noted.
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