Marine Doors - A way to fix some issues

XaragothXaragoth Join Date: 2012-08-03 Member: 154720Members
Hello Everyone :)

So, in a lot of my recent games with Marines, I noticed one major problem, especially when the bases are very close: Aliens can rush and win the game in mere minutes, because the Marines need quite a bit of time to tech up. While the whole balance between both teams is fine for the most part, it would be sensible to give Marines a option to block Aliens from certain areas.

The Solution?

DOORS! The new and innovative invention from some guy back in forever ago.

Basically allow the Marine Commander to place doors that have a build-in sentry gun hanging from the top for a small amount of ressources. These could be used to cut off some of the incredible mobility Aliens have right now.

To balance them out, there should only be one door buildable near each power node. Thus Aliens could de-power the door by using vents or another route.

This might also take care of some of the design problems with Power Nodes, as they aren't as easy to rush & destroy anymore, because you can now predict the Alien approach vectors a bit more.

Onos should obviously be able to pry the doors open with their head :P

Basically the entire thing works the same as the Gorge wall-offs do right now. And those are incredible effective. 3 Gorges can basically seal the Marines in and make sure they will not get out before the Aliens hold most of the map.


  • DarkomicronDarkomicron Join Date: 2010-11-24 Member: 75256Members
    I do like the idea of marines being able to wall off certain areas, securing them. But aliens are all about harassment and ambushing. If they have their paths cut off it takes away all the strength of the ambushing aliens. A door should not be built by a commander, but implemented in a map. That way map makers can use it to create interesting dynamic rooms that can be opened up by aliens or shut down by marines.
  • Firepower01Firepower01 Join Date: 2012-08-03 Member: 154658Members
    There used to be a mechanic where marines could lock a door temporarily (still in game) and then weld it shut with a welder (no longer in game). Although I don't believe there was any way to open a door that was already welded other than destroying it.
  • IeptBarakatIeptBarakat The most difficult name to speak ingame. Join Date: 2009-07-10 Member: 68107Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow
    'I'd like the doors the be locked all the time and only opened by marines, infestation, or smashed open by an Onos. To emphasize on early vent gameplay and alien expansion. There is nothing like the feeling that on the other side of the door, there could be 8 skulks ready to ambush you.'
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