Unknown Worlds @ Gamescom 2012
Join Date: 2012-01-13 Member: 140253Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow

So it seems it is now official. Hugh and Unknown Worlds will be at the Gamescom!
<a href="http://gamescom.ausstellerdaten.mobi/mobil.php?detail=0040125919&nr=0" target="_blank">http://gamescom.ausstellerdaten.mobi/mobil...125919&nr=0</a>
I'll make sure to visit Hugh on Wednesday to give him a pat on the back and tell him representative for the whole team that they have done a great job so far!
<a href="http://gamescom.ausstellerdaten.mobi/mobil.php?detail=0040125919&nr=0" target="_blank">http://gamescom.ausstellerdaten.mobi/mobil...125919&nr=0</a>
I'll make sure to visit Hugh on Wednesday to give him a pat on the back and tell him representative for the whole team that they have done a great job so far!
I'd love to see that they move to Frankfurt.
I was only once at the GC in Leipzig. It was the last GC before the first Gamescon in Cologne. It was really cramped and really hot in the halls. Cologne has much more space but it became more expensive.
Personally i wouldn't go on any public day there if you are not totally exited about a game. The problem is the long waiting time at most booths. There were info signs on the last fares at the blizzard with a info text on it "estimated waiting time from here 120min" and it wasn't even 120min before the fare would close.
You can play a lot of games if you go to the small stations where you wait for a specific console.
With the travel time and cost to cologne it is something to really think about if it's worth to there.
I have the opportunity to go on the trade visitor and press day and live in frankfurt.
Being a game developer has to have some positive side effects ;)
Crytek much?!
No i'm not. A friend of my works there, there are a lot more Developers in Frankfurt than Crytek, though being Crytek the largest and famoust of all.
I'd say thursday but i never tried to actually make something useful on another day except the press day. I don't want to make Unknown Worlds bad but i don't think that the Unknown Worlds booth will be overfilled so that you will have problems there. But i'd go on thursday if you can since you probably want to see other things as well. But be warned thursday is cramped already.
If you actually want to have any sort of meaningful conversation go as early as possibly, after going to rezzed which is a much smaller and quieter show I can pretty much promise that after the first day Hugh is going to be really tired and after the 2nd day he will likely be a total zombie!
And the Gamescom lasts 5 days ....
Yeah, Hugh was pretty worried about that, we were all tired enough after 1 day of Rezzed (which was pretty quiet compared to the mania of larger events), and knackered after day 2, I really feel for Hugh if he is there for the whole 5 days!
You can play a lot of games if you go to the small stations where you wait for a specific console.
With the travel time and cost to cologne it is something to really think about if it's worth to there.
I have the opportunity to go on the trade visitor and press day and live in frankfurt.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I haven't been to gamescom in 2 years because of this. It's just gotten way too crowded and waiting lines on the AAA stuff have gotten so long that you spent more time waiting in lines then actually seeing/playing any of the games.
It's just not worth it, when you can see the same showings/gameplay on gametrailers and other sources on the internet without having to stand in line for hours and spending stupid ammounts of money.
But i really miss the free swag and the atmosphere :/
If i had known earlier about UWE's attendance this year i might have reconsidered visiting, but even then it's an really hard sell.
I wish they would limit ticket numbers for the public days, instead of stuffing more and more people in there while the booths stay the same size. Or they should just give Acti/Blizz their own hall for all those WoW/CoD masses.
Btw: Best bet to see/play what you want is to show up before opening, get an good place in the waiting line and just rush to what you wanna see once they open up.
Anyway, wishing those that attend lots of fun and a great time, try to get some hype going for the UWE booth! If you really wanna get a crowd going for the booth remember this: Free t-shirts, it's all about those sweet delicious free t-shirts :D
Sadly they're not cheap and most of those people won't stay after they got their free t-shirt
<hr />
was fun !
i finally could play NS2 with more than 15fps ^^
While t-shirts probably are too expensive there should be something people can take with them that will remind them of Natural Selection 2. Also it might help prevent them from stealing mouse pads...
And there needs to be some kind of huge poster or something like that, that immediately shows what NS2 is all about. That screams: This is an FPS/RTS hybrid! I think most people who came into the booth weren't aware of that until they had played for a while. Walking in all they saw was yet another shooter.
Now despite that the booth was full of people from shortly after the opening until at least 6:30 when I had to leave. No computer remained vacant for more than 30 seconds, and people were having a great time playing the game.
Some observations I made watching first time players, especially commanders:
The power nodes are not intuitively understood. The 3 states they have and the importance of welders are not obvious enough. In some games the marines couldn't figure out how to deal with powerless rooms and kept losing more and more parts of the map. Most new commanders would eventually counter them by going robotics and building MACs. Welders were rarely researched by new commanders, and rarely used by new players even in situations where a quick weld might turn the game around.
On the alien side I noticed that that choosing a hive type and getting the related upgrades was rarely done by new commanders. The main reason for that was new commanders didn't ever select a hive ,so they didn't realize selecting a hive gives them a whole bunch of new things to do. They quickly figured out how the build menu works though and were able to create cyst chains, build harvesters and whips and sometimes even new hives with relative ease. Learning where harvesters can be built was a small obstacle but almost all new commanders solved that puzzle quickly.
From what I saw most games were won by the marines. Typically by a combination of sentry "spam" and ARCs. I think new players in general did better with the more conventional shooter style marine game play. Armor and weapon upgrades are passive and require no interaction from the player, and buying new weapons from the armory comes naturally. The strengths of the different alien classes otoh are not as easy to exploit. It takes some experience to play a Lerk or Fade well. So often times they were quickly lost. New players also had some problems making use of "evolveable" upgrades such as carapace. Even if their commander did research them they often didn't realize that they could buy them in the evolve menu. So most aliens were vanilla most of the time. That together with the failure of the alien commander to quickly expand the cyst network is what I see as the main culprit for marine dominance.
It was noticeable that both teams built a lot more defensive structures such as whips and sentries than what can be seen in regular games. I think the reasons for that are that new players are feeling more insecure and welcome additional defense, and that these buildings offer a tangible and obvious benefit. For a new player the value of a sentry gun is apparent, whereas the value of say armor 1 is not.
Players from both teams sharing the same "room" and the extremely loud noise made voice communication impossible. Players were acting on their own or self-organizing by using the map or simply by following the guy in front of them. Visual cues such as "Lockerroom hive under attack" did attract the players attention and occasionally resulted in a quasi organized response. The red enemy hive/command station icons worked to draw attention to that area.
Interesting read, thanks for taking the time to observe all of that. :)
But maybe one of you hadn't see it so far:
<a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=120192" target="_blank">Meet up in Cologne</a>