[Project] dev educational weekend

weezlweezl Join Date: 2008-07-04 Member: 64557Members, Reinforced - Shadow
<div class="IPBDescription">getting some fresh perspective on NS2</div>Flayra, and ALL you other rascals in SF, for some inspiration and hopefully new/fresh view on NS2, I suggest you didicate a weekend (or more if needed) to play nothing less than the masterpiece that is NS1 !!!
I mean really get a feel for it, or get back the feel for it (if it has been too long ago).
Don't just think you know all that just because you heard a description about it, or played 1y ago, or tried for a few hours - NO EXCUSES - play it NOW!
Go through every aspect of it, several times, cos every time will be different, which is the magic about ns1 =)

Play with some pro players, play on pub, play office LAN (if it's not too few ppl).

I really truly think this cannot bring anything less than a positive contribution! Even though it takes time out of developing!

If you watch <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extra_Credits" target="_blank">Extra Credits</a> then you know their philosophy would agree 100% with this suggestion :)
If you don't, then watch them ASAP, they have SO MUCH good/relevant stuff to say about game development!
They are themselves experienced game developers in different positions, speaking to both gamers and developers.
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