Self damage indicator/reticle

fenrir1179fenrir1179 Join Date: 2011-11-05 Member: 131263Members
Just a thought...
When (as a marine) you shoot a grenade or receive mine explosion damage instead of a red "X" it is blue...
oh and both purple.. ? ...
or instead of an "X" it is a + or a circle ... but..
Maybe this has been suggested before and I didn't see it...


  • measlesmeasles Join Date: 2007-02-26 Member: 60122Members, Constellation

    As either race I would like to see more beneficial OSDisplays.
    For aliens I would like to see one of those gauges that are on planes that give perpendicular readings to sea level (I don't know what it is called).
    And for marines I would like to see a compass reading..
    The graphics are quite amazing but hardly useful.
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