[Project] Prize Pools

RanemanRaneman Join Date: 2010-01-07 Member: 69962Members
We need some prize pools for competitive. Here's a basic outline of one of my plans:

A 6 v 6 tournament has a $1 entry fee for each member.
A very trusted middle man like Hugh receives the money.
If we have say, 8 teams, each member of the winning team could get maybe $9.50 or so.



  • BVKnightBVKnight Join Date: 2012-02-26 Member: 147496Members
    Maybe after release + optimization, so I'm not just handing money to the people with better CPUs.

    Also, this could be considered internet gambling, and there are some pretty serious laws about that, which vary by country and state.
  • derWalterderWalter Join Date: 2008-10-29 Member: 65323Members
    thats a sport tourney, as long if we are not acting like athletes it is sure that esport want be accepted as a sport.

    1€ per tournament, 1 per week, makes 4€ per month, its 48€ per year... what does a gaming machine including power and internet cost you per year? 1500€?

    so it looks quite interesting. on the other side, win 4 tournaments as a team per month and you can pay your server rent with the money :)
    sounds like an interesting concept! (mature! - i like!)
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