<div class="IPBDescription">smallest opening..</div>Anyone know around whats the smallest opening for drifters to pass through? I'm still working on Tanith remake and I'd like to make the some of the vent openings large enough for drifters to pass through.
Seriously though, and this may just be me, but the drifter pathing seems to follow the commanders camera as a base for the pathing mesh. This may be totally incorrect, but this appears to be what I am seeing, but I have only just started adding commander cameras and testing my map.
<a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=115160&st=0" target="_blank">A thread i posted a while back with a bit more information in it.</a>
But the way I understood it was to make single tweaks and then observed how it affects the pathing mesh. I'm sure somewhere in there you can affect the smallest opening for drifters and more,