Updated File information in new builds

Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
I am not sure where to put this, I think it is most appropriate in here. I was wondering if it would be possible for the devs to include a list of the files that were amended during build releases?

With 195 coming up, I suspect I'll have some work to do working on my team deathmatch mod, and to make my task simpler, I was wondering if this information could be supplied with each build release.



  • fsfodfsfod uk Join Date: 2004-04-09 Member: 27810Members, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Squad Five Gold, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
    Well before wackoisgod quit UWE he was posting lua code codes for each build to a <a href="https://github.com/Flayra/NS2-Scripts" target="_blank">github repo</a> for each build.
    I do have private repo of every builds code changes since the engine test, I would stick it up github but it includes all the gui art assets as well and I bet UWE would raise a stink about that but i could just give it to you personally. I just use <a href="http://code.google.com/p/gitextensions/" target="_blank">gitextensions</a> for my git client
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    All I need to know is the filenames that were changed, it's all for future I don't need any of the previous builds, although there is one thing you could help me with :)

    I want to see the older code for the implementation of static team spawns. I am not sure if I will take that route, or if I will come up with a 'hoststructure' to replace the CC and hive.

    Actually, I might just make mappers select alien or marine tech point, then just set the spawn radius around the techpoint, rather than the hive/cc, hmm.. something to think about :)

    Anyway, if you have a copy of the old code for team spawns, that would be great :)
  • fsfodfsfod uk Join Date: 2004-04-09 Member: 27810Members, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Squad Five Gold, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
    Well heres a list of modified files for build 194

    <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->$ git diff --diff-filter=CMRT --name-status 5d2284502fe7dc3bd30de7657e08502d9b1
    20a94 632e537f77d3ebbde0df6cdf29ed2096113b1077
    M       gamestrings/enUS.txt
    M       lua/ARC.lua
    M       lua/Actor.lua
    M       lua/Alien.lua
    M       lua/AlienSpectator.lua
    M       lua/AlienStructureEffects.lua
    M       lua/AlienTeam.lua
    M       lua/AlienWeaponEffects.lua
    M       lua/Alien_Client.lua
    M       lua/AmmoPack.lua
    M       lua/Armory.lua
    M       lua/Armory_Client.lua
    M       lua/Balance.lua
    M       lua/BalanceHealth.lua
    M       lua/BalanceMisc.lua
    M       lua/CamouflageMixin.lua
    M       lua/CatPack.lua
    M       lua/Client.lua
    M       lua/ClientEffects.lua
    M       lua/CloakableMixin.lua
    M       lua/CommAbilities/Alien/ShadeInk.lua
    M       lua/CommAbilities/CommanderAbility.lua
    M       lua/CommandStation_Server.lua
    M       lua/Commander.lua
    M       lua/Commander_Client.lua
    M       lua/Commander_Server.lua
    M       lua/ConsoleCommands_Client.lua
    M       lua/ConsoleCommands_Server.lua
    M       lua/Crag.lua
    M       lua/Cyst.lua
    M       lua/Cyst_Server.lua
    M       lua/DetectableMixin.lua
    M       lua/DisruptMixin.lua
    M       lua/Door.lua
    M       lua/DoorMixin.lua
    M       lua/Drifter.lua
    M       lua/EffectManager.lua
    M       lua/EnergyMixin.lua
    M       lua/Entity.lua
    M       lua/EntityChangeMixin.lua
    M       lua/Extractor.lua
    M       lua/FlinchMixin.lua
    M       lua/GUIAlienHUD.lua
    M       lua/GUIDial.lua
    M       lua/GUIManager.lua
    M       lua/GUIMinimap.lua
    M       lua/GUIOrders.lua
    M       lua/GUIParticleSystem.lua
    M       lua/GUIPickups.lua
    M       lua/GUIScoreboard.lua
    M       lua/GUISelectionPanel.lua
    M       lua/GeneralEffects.lua
    M       lua/Globals.lua
    M       lua/Gorge_Server.lua
    M       lua/HUDCinematic.lua
    M       lua/Harvester.lua
    M       lua/Hive.lua
    M       lua/Hud/Alien/GUIAlienResource.lua
    M       lua/Hud/Marine/GUIMarineHud.lua
    M       lua/HydraSpike.lua
    M       lua/InfantryPortal.lua
    M       lua/Infestation.lua
    M       lua/InfestationMap.lua
    M       lua/InfestationTrackerMixin.lua
    M       lua/Infestation_Server.lua
    M       lua/Jetpack.lua
    M       lua/JetpackMarine.lua
    M       lua/JetpackOnBack.lua
    M       lua/LOSMixin.lua
    M       lua/LiveMixin.lua
    M       lua/Main.lua
    M       lua/MainMenu.lua
    M       lua/MapBlip.lua
    M       lua/MapBlipMixin.lua
    M       lua/Marine.lua
    M       lua/MarineBuy_Client.lua
    M       lua/MarineCommander_Server.lua
    M       lua/MarineSpectator.lua
    M       lua/MarineStructureEffects.lua
    M       lua/MarineTeam.lua
    M       lua/MarineWeaponEffects.lua
    M       lua/Marine_Client.lua
    M       lua/Marine_Server.lua
    M       lua/MedPack.lua
    M       lua/Mine.lua
    M       lua/MixinUtility.lua
    M       lua/Mixins/CameraHolderMixin.lua
    M       lua/Mixins/GroundMoveMixin.lua
    M       lua/Mixins/ModelMixin.lua
    M       lua/NS2Gamerules.lua
    M       lua/NS2Utility.lua
    M       lua/NetworkMessages.lua
    M       lua/Onos.lua
    M       lua/Onos_Client.lua
    M       lua/Onos_Server.lua
    M       lua/Order.lua
    M       lua/OrderSelfMixin.lua
    M       lua/OrdersMixin.lua
    M       lua/PathingMixin.lua
    M       lua/PathingUtility.lua
    M       lua/PhysicsGroups.lua
    M       lua/Player.lua
    M       lua/PlayerEffects.lua
    M       lua/Player_Client.lua
    M       lua/Player_Rumble.lua
    M       lua/Player_Server.lua
    M       lua/PlayingTeam.lua
    M       lua/PointGiverMixin.lua
    M       lua/PowerPoint.lua
    M       lua/PrototypeLab.lua
    M       lua/RagdollMixin.lua
    M       lua/ReadyRoomPlayer.lua
    M       lua/RepositioningMixin.lua
    M       lua/ResourcePoint.lua
    M       lua/ResourcePoint_Server.lua
    M       lua/ResourceTower.lua
    M       lua/ResourceTower_Server.lua
    M       lua/RoboticsFactory.lua
    M       lua/ScenarioHandler.lua
    M       lua/ScoringMixin.lua
    M       lua/ScriptActor.lua
    M       lua/ScriptActor_Server.lua
    M       lua/SelectableMixin.lua
    M       lua/Sentry.lua
    M       lua/Sentry_Server.lua
    M       lua/Server.lua
    M       lua/Shade.lua
    M       lua/Shared.lua
    M       lua/Skulk.lua
    M       lua/Structure.lua
    M       lua/Structure_Client.lua
    M       lua/Structure_Server.lua
    M       lua/StunMixin.lua
    M       lua/TargetCache.lua
    M       lua/TeamMixin.lua
    M       lua/TechData.lua
    M       lua/TechTreeButtons.lua
    M       lua/TechTreeConstants.lua
    M       lua/TrackYZ.lua
    M       lua/TrailCinematic.lua
    M       lua/UpgradableMixin.lua
    M       lua/Utility.lua
    M       lua/Weapons/Alien/BileBomb.lua
    M       lua/Weapons/Alien/Bomb.lua
    M       lua/Weapons/Alien/CystAbility.lua
    M       lua/Weapons/Alien/DropStructureAbility.lua
    M       lua/Weapons/Alien/LeapMixin.lua
    M       lua/Weapons/Marine/Flame.lua
    M       lua/Whip.lua
    M       lua/WhipBomb.lua
    M       lua/Whip_Server.lua
    M       lua/ns2.deproj
    M       lua/weapons/Alien/Ability.lua
    M       lua/weapons/Alien/SpitSpray.lua
    M       lua/weapons/Alien/SporeCloud.lua
    M       lua/weapons/Alien/Spores.lua
    M       lua/weapons/Marine/ClipWeapon.lua
    M       lua/weapons/Marine/Flamethrower.lua
    M       lua/weapons/Marine/Grenade.lua
    M       lua/weapons/Marine/Rifle.lua
    M       lua/weapons/Projectile_Server.lua
    M       lua/weapons/Weapon_Server.lua
    M       ui/alien_abilities.dds
    M       ui/alien_buildmenu.dds
    M       ui/messages_icons.dds
    M       ui/minimap_blip.dds<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    Thats exactly what I was looking for, thankyou.

    I've never understood a single code repository system I have ever tried to use. I just have to rely on a very organised coding system, where I detail every code change in log files, and diligently test :)
  • puzlpuzl The Old Firm Join Date: 2003-02-26 Member: 14029Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation
    You need to fix that deficiency. Good source control is almost as important as good coding.
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