Updated File information in new builds
Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
in Modding
I am not sure where to put this, I think it is most appropriate in here. I was wondering if it would be possible for the devs to include a list of the files that were amended during build releases?
With 195 coming up, I suspect I'll have some work to do working on my team deathmatch mod, and to make my task simpler, I was wondering if this information could be supplied with each build release.
With 195 coming up, I suspect I'll have some work to do working on my team deathmatch mod, and to make my task simpler, I was wondering if this information could be supplied with each build release.
I do have private repo of every builds code changes since the engine test, I would stick it up github but it includes all the gui art assets as well and I bet UWE would raise a stink about that but i could just give it to you personally. I just use <a href="http://code.google.com/p/gitextensions/" target="_blank">gitextensions</a> for my git client
I want to see the older code for the implementation of static team spawns. I am not sure if I will take that route, or if I will come up with a 'hoststructure' to replace the CC and hive.
Actually, I might just make mappers select alien or marine tech point, then just set the spawn radius around the techpoint, rather than the hive/cc, hmm.. something to think about :)
Anyway, if you have a copy of the old code for team spawns, that would be great :)
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->$ git diff --diff-filter=CMRT --name-status 5d2284502fe7dc3bd30de7657e08502d9b1
20a94 632e537f77d3ebbde0df6cdf29ed2096113b1077
M gamestrings/enUS.txt
M lua/ARC.lua
M lua/Actor.lua
M lua/Alien.lua
M lua/AlienSpectator.lua
M lua/AlienStructureEffects.lua
M lua/AlienTeam.lua
M lua/AlienWeaponEffects.lua
M lua/Alien_Client.lua
M lua/AmmoPack.lua
M lua/Armory.lua
M lua/Armory_Client.lua
M lua/Balance.lua
M lua/BalanceHealth.lua
M lua/BalanceMisc.lua
M lua/CamouflageMixin.lua
M lua/CatPack.lua
M lua/Client.lua
M lua/ClientEffects.lua
M lua/CloakableMixin.lua
M lua/CommAbilities/Alien/ShadeInk.lua
M lua/CommAbilities/CommanderAbility.lua
M lua/CommandStation_Server.lua
M lua/Commander.lua
M lua/Commander_Client.lua
M lua/Commander_Server.lua
M lua/ConsoleCommands_Client.lua
M lua/ConsoleCommands_Server.lua
M lua/Crag.lua
M lua/Cyst.lua
M lua/Cyst_Server.lua
M lua/DetectableMixin.lua
M lua/DisruptMixin.lua
M lua/Door.lua
M lua/DoorMixin.lua
M lua/Drifter.lua
M lua/EffectManager.lua
M lua/EnergyMixin.lua
M lua/Entity.lua
M lua/EntityChangeMixin.lua
M lua/Extractor.lua
M lua/FlinchMixin.lua
M lua/GUIAlienHUD.lua
M lua/GUIDial.lua
M lua/GUIManager.lua
M lua/GUIMinimap.lua
M lua/GUIOrders.lua
M lua/GUIParticleSystem.lua
M lua/GUIPickups.lua
M lua/GUIScoreboard.lua
M lua/GUISelectionPanel.lua
M lua/GeneralEffects.lua
M lua/Globals.lua
M lua/Gorge_Server.lua
M lua/HUDCinematic.lua
M lua/Harvester.lua
M lua/Hive.lua
M lua/Hud/Alien/GUIAlienResource.lua
M lua/Hud/Marine/GUIMarineHud.lua
M lua/HydraSpike.lua
M lua/InfantryPortal.lua
M lua/Infestation.lua
M lua/InfestationMap.lua
M lua/InfestationTrackerMixin.lua
M lua/Infestation_Server.lua
M lua/Jetpack.lua
M lua/JetpackMarine.lua
M lua/JetpackOnBack.lua
M lua/LOSMixin.lua
M lua/LiveMixin.lua
M lua/Main.lua
M lua/MainMenu.lua
M lua/MapBlip.lua
M lua/MapBlipMixin.lua
M lua/Marine.lua
M lua/MarineBuy_Client.lua
M lua/MarineCommander_Server.lua
M lua/MarineSpectator.lua
M lua/MarineStructureEffects.lua
M lua/MarineTeam.lua
M lua/MarineWeaponEffects.lua
M lua/Marine_Client.lua
M lua/Marine_Server.lua
M lua/MedPack.lua
M lua/Mine.lua
M lua/MixinUtility.lua
M lua/Mixins/CameraHolderMixin.lua
M lua/Mixins/GroundMoveMixin.lua
M lua/Mixins/ModelMixin.lua
M lua/NS2Gamerules.lua
M lua/NS2Utility.lua
M lua/NetworkMessages.lua
M lua/Onos.lua
M lua/Onos_Client.lua
M lua/Onos_Server.lua
M lua/Order.lua
M lua/OrderSelfMixin.lua
M lua/OrdersMixin.lua
M lua/PathingMixin.lua
M lua/PathingUtility.lua
M lua/PhysicsGroups.lua
M lua/Player.lua
M lua/PlayerEffects.lua
M lua/Player_Client.lua
M lua/Player_Rumble.lua
M lua/Player_Server.lua
M lua/PlayingTeam.lua
M lua/PointGiverMixin.lua
M lua/PowerPoint.lua
M lua/PrototypeLab.lua
M lua/RagdollMixin.lua
M lua/ReadyRoomPlayer.lua
M lua/RepositioningMixin.lua
M lua/ResourcePoint.lua
M lua/ResourcePoint_Server.lua
M lua/ResourceTower.lua
M lua/ResourceTower_Server.lua
M lua/RoboticsFactory.lua
M lua/ScenarioHandler.lua
M lua/ScoringMixin.lua
M lua/ScriptActor.lua
M lua/ScriptActor_Server.lua
M lua/SelectableMixin.lua
M lua/Sentry.lua
M lua/Sentry_Server.lua
M lua/Server.lua
M lua/Shade.lua
M lua/Shared.lua
M lua/Skulk.lua
M lua/Structure.lua
M lua/Structure_Client.lua
M lua/Structure_Server.lua
M lua/StunMixin.lua
M lua/TargetCache.lua
M lua/TeamMixin.lua
M lua/TechData.lua
M lua/TechTreeButtons.lua
M lua/TechTreeConstants.lua
M lua/TrackYZ.lua
M lua/TrailCinematic.lua
M lua/UpgradableMixin.lua
M lua/Utility.lua
M lua/Weapons/Alien/BileBomb.lua
M lua/Weapons/Alien/Bomb.lua
M lua/Weapons/Alien/CystAbility.lua
M lua/Weapons/Alien/DropStructureAbility.lua
M lua/Weapons/Alien/LeapMixin.lua
M lua/Weapons/Marine/Flame.lua
M lua/Whip.lua
M lua/WhipBomb.lua
M lua/Whip_Server.lua
M lua/ns2.deproj
M lua/weapons/Alien/Ability.lua
M lua/weapons/Alien/SpitSpray.lua
M lua/weapons/Alien/SporeCloud.lua
M lua/weapons/Alien/Spores.lua
M lua/weapons/Marine/ClipWeapon.lua
M lua/weapons/Marine/Flamethrower.lua
M lua/weapons/Marine/Grenade.lua
M lua/weapons/Marine/Rifle.lua
M lua/weapons/Projectile_Server.lua
M lua/weapons/Weapon_Server.lua
M ui/alien_abilities.dds
M ui/alien_buildmenu.dds
M ui/messages_icons.dds
M ui/minimap_blip.dds<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
I've never understood a single code repository system I have ever tried to use. I just have to rely on a very organised coding system, where I detail every code change in log files, and diligently test :)