Unknown Worlds Copyright Assignment

FlayraFlayra Game Director, Unknown Worlds EntertainmentSan Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer
edited April 2013 in Modding
<div class="IPBDescription">Only needed if we've talked to you about including your work</div>Hey everyone,

We would like to include some of your awesome modifications you guys make to NS2, to make them official changes to the game.

However, to cover our butts, we need to make sure that we own all the rights to everything in the game (maps, code, artwork, sound, etc.). If we don't own these rights, we are potentially liable for copyright infringement.

So if we decide to include some of your changes into the game directly, we need you to assign your copyright to your work to us directly before we do that. To do so, you need to complete the contract attached and send it to me. You only need to fill out one of these forms (there are three different formats, all identical) and then you can e-mail it to me at charlie@unknownworlds.com or fax it to me at (415) 651-9789. Make sure you include your name, physical address and your forum handle or community nickname so we can keep track of who has submitted them.


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