How to Improve the Gorge

TriggermanTriggerman Graphic Artist Join Date: 2004-11-10 Member: 32724Members, WC 2013 - Supporter
edited November 2011 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">Lobbing, Hydra costing Adrenaline and more!</div><b>Suggestion summary</b>
<!--sizeo:2--><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->The Gorge places structures from afar by spitting them onto a surface,
Hydras cost Adrenaline but there's a limited amount a player can put out,
the player can upgrade himself to have more.<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->


<b>Spitting structures</b>
<ul><li>Hydras and Pustules are launched from the Gorge's mouth in a tight
ball that settles on any surface and then begins to build the structure.</li></ul>
<ul><li>Pustules cost <i>PRes </i>to build.</li><li>Hydras cost <i>Adrenaline</i> to build.</li><li>The Gorge can only have one Hydra out at the field at a time without upgrades.</li><li>By upgrading through the Evolve Menu, the limit is increased.
I.e. up to three Hydras from this player at any time.</li></ul>
<b>Required tweaks</b>
<ul><li>Adrenaline cost for Hydra must be relatively high. I'm thinking the whole bar for placing 2-3 Hydras.</li><li>Build time for a Hydra should be decreased.</li><li>Damage for Hydra should be decreased.</li><li>Health for a Hydra should be decreased.</li><li>New 'wither' animation for when the Gorge is replacing an old Hydra with a new one.</li><li>The Whip needs to take over the role as primary static defense.</li></ul>Otherwise the Gorge would likely be too powerful in numbers and while defending.
Imagine the ramp up to 'Surface Access' in <i>ns2_summit</i> if you will.

<b>Gameplay example:</b>
<blockquote>1.) A player evolves into a Gorge and is able to have one Hydra out at the field at a time.
It costs him only Adrenaline to place a Hydra.

2.) The player then invests in two additional upgrades called "Hydra Rank 1" and
"Hydra Rank 2" available from the evolve menu. They cost PRes.

3.) The player is now able to have three Hydras out at a time.

4.) The Gorge and a few Skulks battles against a few marines.
The Skulks rushes in while the Gorge throws two Hydras from down the corridor
that sticks against a wall where the battle is. The Hydras are built and begins to shoot.
The Gorge has now regenerated enough Adrenaline to heal a friendly player who had to retreat.
The Gorge uses Spit a few times for good measure, but out of thin air a grenade hits and kill the Gorge.

5.) Upon his death, the Gorge lose the Hydra upgrades as well as the already placed Hydras.
He needs to purchase the upgrade and place the Hydras again the next time he evolves into a Gorge. Repeat step 1.)</blockquote>

<b>Unanswered questions</b>
What happens when the projectile Hydra/Pustule hits another player?
Does it deal damage? Does it cause an effect on the enemy? Does the projectile simply collide and fall down?

I think this is a way of making the Gorge more fluid and offensive, yet retaining the PRes cost.
The player can invest in his form to make himself more offensive in that role as a Gorge by
purchasing the upgrade to have more Hydras available to him. An added bonus (depends on how you see
it, of course) is that players who have a huge dump of PRes cannot simply become a Gorge
to spam the whole map with Hydras and then return to Fade.

The Hydras and Pustules will in return also be more viable to use offensively and more quickly.
In this scenario I believe Hydras can even be shot out as a distraction for pursuing marines,
something that's not possible currently. It also allows the Gorge to remain effective while staying
behind the Skulks/Fades/Onos who are dealing/receiving the brunt of the damage without having
to invest PRes.

For an unfair comparison of the current system; would you really place a Hydra in combat over a Harvester way back in your own territory?
It costs you PRes, it's not a useful Hydra you've placed, you'd have to stay in close range, you are effectively blind
looking down at the ground and you'd most likely die doing this.

I'll gladly make some concept mock-ups for the UI/ability if it isn't clear.
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