


  • WombatLOLWombatLOL Join Date: 2011-11-30 Member: 136042Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    YESSSS!!! Thanks for this ^^

    any idea if you're gonna release a bot-mod in the future for ns2 when released? :3
  • ZycaRZycaR Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8263Members
    I don't know what you mean by bot_mod. It's just bunch of LUA codes (in separate folder). Once you copy them directly into server side of NS2 installation it will not broke anything ... and bots will work :)
    Also codes can be included (copied) into GOvermind mod or other mods to merge it's functionality with gorge bot ... etc...

    But yeah, looks like bots for NS2 are stuff where I can be helpful for NS2 community. Its not a secret, that I was studying the Artificial Intelligence on university. And I write few of them for various games (HalfLife, Ragnarok Online, ...)

    Now , when gorge works as expected I'm considering one more enhancement:
    - When you make "Move" order/command as commander to the gorge, it will stop build cysts and follow order with calculated path (avoiding the obstacles, turning around corners, etc...)
    - When gorge reach the "Move" order position, it will start build cysts as normal, but will reconsider whole map ...
  • ZycaRZycaR Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8263Members
    BTW: Will be there interest about RTS like Bots ? What that means?

    - rts_botmod will change/overwrite commands for commanders on players, to allow them to follow wider set of orders.

    - Commanders will have this basic set of orders on players: Move, Attack, Run, Stop, Guard

    - all bots will have same just this dump logic:
    when Under attack, then attack back
    when you spot enemy unit (or enemy structure) and is in guard / idle state, then start attack!

    - each type of class will have it's own advanced logic (when they are in guard or idle state, not under attack):
    Marine - Weld nearest damaged player or Power Node. When near by armory, get some health/ammo (hump :) )
    Skulk - walk up on to ceiling and try to hide
    Gorge - heal nearest damaged player or structure.
    Lerk - puff some smokes in the small circles ... for the fun
    Fade - dunno .. propose something :)

    In basic, the rts_botmode bots will follow orders like in other RTS games. The following the orders will be of course calculated by AI path system used by MAC/ARC/Whips or Drifters.
    And what is more important, the orders will be enhanced for khaa classes (like evolve into XYZ, or for gorge to build cyst/hydra, ...)

    what do you think? Will be worth to implement this kind of stuff? or you don't want to have RTS from NS2 and keep working on "StandAlone" - SelfThinking gorge bot :D
  • WombatLOLWombatLOL Join Date: 2011-11-30 Member: 136042Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yeah, that sounds great!!

    Just hoping if sometime in the future you can make an ai commander :3

    Sorta like the one for ns1.
  • WombatLOLWombatLOL Join Date: 2011-11-30 Member: 136042Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Good practice with when no available servers on :C
  • BJHBnade_spammerBJHBnade_spammer Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42431Members
    just to let you know now it works atleast but there is pathing issues as it seams hes just trying to go in a strait line after a while. testing on tram
  • ZycaRZycaR Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8263Members
    looks like it's connected with following bug, which will be fixed in next release:
    <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->[188] Drifter Pathing Issues on Tram<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->

    .. as pathing uses the same build-in function to calculate path.
  • WombatLOLWombatLOL Join Date: 2011-11-30 Member: 136042Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    *gets whip out* Don't stop working.
  • BJHBnade_spammerBJHBnade_spammer Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42431Members
    cool i was hoping that was the case so it does use the same ai path as the npcs.
    good to know.
    and yes im sure since you are the first one to actually make a somewhat working bot that it would be nice to have those extra things like attacking and having them run away.
  • ZycaRZycaR Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8263Members
    there is a new version of GorgeBot: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    contains these new features:
    - gorge will follow "move" order by calculated path (that means no more straight going on commanders orders)
    - cyst placement is disabled by default
    - cyst placement can be enabled / disabled by console command "setcysts 1"

    that's all folks for now.

    ... next step is to create RTS bots (really stupid one, but will have client-side buttons to give orders like in RTS)
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