Ctrl + Double click selection, an i missing a shortcut?
Double clicking a face selects all connected faces of an object , very useful, Ctrl + Clicking faces will add to your selection, however Ctrl + Double clicking should also add to the selection a whole object in the same way but it doesn't, unless im missing a shortcut it doesn't work this way, it would be extremely useful to be able to select more than one whole object with Ctrl + Double click.
I hope Max will add it to the list of possible improvements, when that weld bug was fixed a while back it made mapping far more enjoyable and i think this one would do the same, anything that helps speed up the mapping process is a good thing, hopefully it won't be too long before we see the editor renderer/engine updated with the new performance optimizations, i think it will get difficult to map at some point otherwise, for example turning lights on drops performance to horrible levels, it just shows how behind the editor is from the game now.