My latest thoughts on the game
Game Director, Unknown Worlds EntertainmentSan Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer

These are some ideas and changes I’m currently considering:
<ul><li>Adding minimum respawn time to aliens</li><li>Adjusting alien egg spawn times (making it fast when you have few eggs and slowing down when you have more)</li><li>When cycling through eggs to choose where you spawn, don’t just cycle through the eggs, but choose a different location each time. Usually you don’t care about the exact egg, you just want to choose which hive. Alternatively, allow players to actually click the egg on the map.</li><li>Adding better sentry tracers so you know what’s happening before you’re suddenly dead</li><li>Fixing the jittering when on or near structures/entities/props (we’ll definitely fix, just a question if it’s sooner or later)</li><li>Addressing problems were personal alien upgrades are basically free (you always get them)</li><li>Not enough damage feedback in general (you’re suddenly dead). This may be a server tick rate issue, not sure.</li><li>Lerk is too fast (he can be anywhere on the map so fast)</li><li>Alien alerts (“Your hive is under attackâ€) shouldn’t be affected by low-health DSP </li><li>Add some way to attract players to Commander...medals?</li><li>Quieter footsteps when wall-walking (to encourage use of it)</li><li>Drawing “under attack†blips on the minimap (sometimes you see a hive sight blip then bring up the map and can’t see what’s under attack)</li><li>Some kind of bonus for your very first incentive not to die and for tense, probing game start</li><li>ARCs need mucho help</li><li>Going to suggest adding a vent from Reactor to Data Core.</li><li>Also think we could use an alternate route from Ventilation to Data Core (either from Pipe or Vent RT)</li><li>Need to see the latest upgrades, esp. as they are researched</li><li>Maybe have alien alt abilities always triggerable. So right-click is always heal, even if you are bile-bombing. Leaping while parasiting. Doesn’t quite work for the Onos though.</li><li>Energy regeneration faster when still so you don’t run out when doing repetitive tasks like biting nodes, healing players</li><li>Changing healing spray to leave a cloud that heals in one place for a bit. That would allow the Gorge to heal fleeing fast-moving aliens a bit better as they travel through it instead of having to get the timing just right (esp. with Blink).</li><li>Need to fix voice volume being low for some people</li></ul>
<ul><li>Adding minimum respawn time to aliens</li><li>Adjusting alien egg spawn times (making it fast when you have few eggs and slowing down when you have more)</li><li>When cycling through eggs to choose where you spawn, don’t just cycle through the eggs, but choose a different location each time. Usually you don’t care about the exact egg, you just want to choose which hive. Alternatively, allow players to actually click the egg on the map.</li><li>Adding better sentry tracers so you know what’s happening before you’re suddenly dead</li><li>Fixing the jittering when on or near structures/entities/props (we’ll definitely fix, just a question if it’s sooner or later)</li><li>Addressing problems were personal alien upgrades are basically free (you always get them)</li><li>Not enough damage feedback in general (you’re suddenly dead). This may be a server tick rate issue, not sure.</li><li>Lerk is too fast (he can be anywhere on the map so fast)</li><li>Alien alerts (“Your hive is under attackâ€) shouldn’t be affected by low-health DSP </li><li>Add some way to attract players to Commander...medals?</li><li>Quieter footsteps when wall-walking (to encourage use of it)</li><li>Drawing “under attack†blips on the minimap (sometimes you see a hive sight blip then bring up the map and can’t see what’s under attack)</li><li>Some kind of bonus for your very first incentive not to die and for tense, probing game start</li><li>ARCs need mucho help</li><li>Going to suggest adding a vent from Reactor to Data Core.</li><li>Also think we could use an alternate route from Ventilation to Data Core (either from Pipe or Vent RT)</li><li>Need to see the latest upgrades, esp. as they are researched</li><li>Maybe have alien alt abilities always triggerable. So right-click is always heal, even if you are bile-bombing. Leaping while parasiting. Doesn’t quite work for the Onos though.</li><li>Energy regeneration faster when still so you don’t run out when doing repetitive tasks like biting nodes, healing players</li><li>Changing healing spray to leave a cloud that heals in one place for a bit. That would allow the Gorge to heal fleeing fast-moving aliens a bit better as they travel through it instead of having to get the timing just right (esp. with Blink).</li><li>Need to fix voice volume being low for some people</li></ul>
Those changes look awesome!
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->* Not enough damage feedback in general (you’re suddenly dead). This may be a server tick rate issue, not sure.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I believe one cause of that is the red arrow being too small.
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->* Lerk is too fast (he can be anywhere on the map so fast)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
(Raises hand) I'm guilty of introducing a bug that removed the initial speed cap on Lerk. However, I've been trying to redeem myself by working on tweaking Lerk flight. :)
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->* Some kind of bonus for your very first incentive not to die and for tense, probing game start.
* Addressing problems were personal alien upgrades are basically free (you always get them)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
First life bonus sounds like a fun concept! The problem, I think, is that while it should promote more action, its effects need to be limited, so it won't be too game deciding. Otherwise, both teams will either rush to try to catch the other team off guard, or simply play defensively, so not to lose the bonus.
I also have a few suggestions on my own wishlist.
<ul><li>Alien melee upgrades are available too powerful and too early for Marines to counter. Alien armor upgrades and Marine weapon upgrades appear pale in comparison.
Choosing personal upgrades (eg Frenzy, Camo) is more interesting, and should be rewarding than a team-wide upgrade. Thus commanders should be encouraged to unlock personal upgrades first.</li><li>Marine construction speed does not scale too well. In games with few players, Marines build slowly, and are very vulnerable early game.</li><li>Lerk "shotgun" Spikes can be difficult to aim. A little more spread, but more evenly distributed spikes would be great.</li><li>Camouflage breaks too easily (from bumping into objects), and disrupts Skulks from wall walking too much. It would be nice if the speed limit on Camo is increased slightly.</li><li>Marine footsteps are too quiet. They are almost always masked by other game sounds.</li></ul>
For those who are interested, I would appreciate your help with testing the new Lerk flight mod (in my sig below).
<!--QuoteBegin-designlog+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (designlog)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->When cycling through eggs to choose where you spawn, don’t just cycle through the eggs, but choose a different location each time. Usually you don’t care about the exact egg, you just want to choose which hive. Alternatively, allow players to actually click the egg on the map.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
A cool usage of this would be to have the players cycle between the hives, having a cool cinematic viewpoint of each location, and then click to start cycling the eggs as the players do already. Also having rightclick bring you back to hive selection. This style could also be used while teleporting to a hive with a shift. Also using rightclick to cancel the teleport.
This could make the minimum respawn time less of a frustration on players. Allowing them to choose their next spawn location while the timer drops to 0.
Also it would be cool to have the game automatically decide the first hive location you see upon respawning. If it's under attack, just finished building, or marines are fighting nearby.
I'd like to see health/armour, ammo and player names displayed to the commander without having to click on the players. Also, little icons above players when they request ammo/med pack, needing welded and healing from the gorge.
The standing still adrenaline boost idea could be an issue though. How about a slight adrenaline energy return or attack cost-reduction only when hitting a structure? This will prevent the adrenaline bonus when in combat (Think of camping infantry portals for example; Lerk shotgun.), and will also apply when a player is not stationary, for example a Lerk flapping above a structure attacking it?
Maybe even having the adrenaline payback/reduction for hitting a structure only occur after you've attacked it consecutively (amount of initial hits to enable bonus depends on attack). Would also reduce the functionality when camping infantry portals, and also remove functionality when accidently hitting a structure while fighting marines.?
Anyways, just one player's view point.
The idea of quieter wallwalk noises intrigues me. Logically it doesn't make much sense, but from a gameplay standpoint? I'd be walking on walls all day long if I knew it would help me make a quieter approach! Floor is now lava.
Please do not change energy regen while standing in place. The fear of being low on energy while chewing a res node counterbalances that feel of knifing/axing down an alien res node. If you get caught, you can't immediately leap away/draw your rifle, and there's a sense of danger. Likewise, a gorge being able to heal a hive nonstop without something like the Adrenaline upgrade just seems OP right now. (this might change for final balancing)
Incentive for going commander would be great. Maybe a persistent medal count for every game won where you served the majority of the time as a commander?
Next thing to fix is to stop combat being based on who presses spacebar the most! :P
That have been adressed a long time ago, and is no longer an issue. Good times though.
I was unsure what this meant at first. I think you mean giving players an incentive to go commander. I don't think this is the right approach (maybe they should get points for doing things though).
I think the reason people don't play commander is because it's boring. There isn't any strategy needed in choosing upgrades. There needs to be multiple viable upgrade paths. At the moment there is only one optimal order to get upgrades in. Plus, I feel there are just too few upgrades in general. As com you don't really feel like you have a big influence on the way your team fights, you're just unlocking guns for them or improving their armour. Even when tier 3 tech is added, it will just be a race to get the better upgrades, rather than any strategy in choosing them.
As well as this the commanders don't really have much skill based mechanics. Things like dropping accurate meds and ammo on marines is a nice little micro ability, but there needs to be much more in order to make it interesting to play and for good commanders to be able to distinguish themselves.
In RTS games the players main role is control his troops. Since you can't do that in NS2 you need to be able to support them and influence the battle that way. I know you have said before that you want the alien com to be more "stand-offish" but I really feel that there needs to be some way for the alien com to directly support the players on the ground, if it's to be fun to play.
At the moment all the alien com does is build a few buildings and research upgrades in the right order. It's really boring and a chore. The activated abilities from the buildings are rarely used. It would be much better if the alien com could use those abilities anywhere on the infestation, and if he could quickly heal and replenish energy of the aliens just as the marine com can with meds and ammo. Maybe that would make the gorge redundant...but I definitely think there needs to be some support abilities that make a difference in combat.
With the work of my team I managed to command a successful marine game or two, but other times I just become overwhelmed and cause my team to lose.
Personally, I'd like to see a default bot comm, where if no one gets into the comm for like 5 min, the bot takes over. It would heal mitigate the 'no one wants to comm' issue.
would not do anything. most games are lost in the first 30s if no one comms. a skulk can be in your base and chewing the ip by that time.
It's like playing an RTS where most of your units won't listen to orders and have a habit of going off and doing their own thing. It's why alien comm used to work a lot better than marines because it was almost entirely detached from the players. The commander spreads infestation and build stuff, the players use the built stuff to buff them (hive sight, crag healing, hive spawns) and would want to capture areas in order to recieve further buffs. It doesn't strictly matter about the fine details of player performance because the players and commander don't have to precisely synergise like the marines do.
It's become less prevalent with the addition of cysts to make alien comm kinda weak, but it's still sort of present. The addition of cysts adds one of the marine problems to the alien side, which is that the comm has next to no direct effectors. It can't do anything forceful. If marines are in the hive, the comm can't do anthing about them other than yell at the team. Previously this was less prevalent, as the worst marines could do is destroy structures in a room, and maybe clear infestation out of it if they had the time, but once they did that they had to wait a while to regroup, rearm, build some of their own stuff, and then push forward some more.
Right now, it's far far easier for marines to just run through a large area killing all the infestation (and therefore the structures) and prevent any more being placed, the alien comm can no longer stonewall a small marine force from clearing further into an area by regrowing infestation as soon as it dies, because it dies way easier and is more expensive to place. This makes the commander very weak, and nobody is going to want to play a weak, horribly gimped RTS role.
It would work much better if players couldn't directly affect the strategic part of the game as much, if the best way to clear infestation was some sort of marine commander action, like a special ARC variant which the commander deploys and the marines have to defend, while for aliens, the best way to break a sentry blockade was to use whips to lob bile bombs into the room or something. That way the commanders don't have to be quite so weak against small numbers of players, they have direct ways to effect change on the field, and the strategic flow of the game is linked to the progression of the commander's strategic effectors. Basically no matter how mobile your players are, you're going to have to wait for the whips and ARCs to arrive and take effect before you can really get control of a room. This has the added benefit of giving you a perfect way to balance the mobility of the two sides, as all you have to do is make sure that whips and arcs move and destroy things at the same rate. The game becomes Commander attack beats commander defence, which in turn beats player attack, which in turn beats commander attack. If your comm has built sentries or infestation, the enemy commander can clear it, but it will be strong against players, if the enemy commander tries to attack, your players can defend against it.
Think Lerk will get weaker/easier to take down with more performance improvements and less lag.
The current spore system needs you to get very close to many marines wich often results in one shot sg kills.So he needs that speed.
So i would let the speed now as it is.You can change it later when the game is playable really smooth and lag free for all.
The current Lerk gives me something back from NS1 in the way of movement and speed.
But what really needs to be changed is the colour of the lerk crosshair.If you have alien vision turned on you can hardly see it.
That can happen even if you have a comm. The lack of early spawn protection/defenses is another thing that bugs me on the marine side. Spawn camping is much, much easier for aliens to do than marines, which leads to many of those early losses.
Escort missions: The game. Might as well get rid of the players and make the game a full rts at that point.
I like my hybrid fps/rts being hybrid. Not two separate games where we constantly wait for the commander or players to achieve something to benefit us.
If your team doesn't listen to you, which I never seen happen before. Find a better server where people actually want to have a fun game.
You'll find a lot less people caring about what the commander wants them to do if they have little part in the strategy.
I like my hybrid fps/rts being hybrid. Not two separate games where we constantly wait for the commander or players to achieve something to benefit us.
If your team doesn't listen to you, which I never seen happen before. Find a better server where people actually want to have a fun game.
You'll find a lot less people caring about what the commander wants them to do if they have little part in the strategy.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
No, securing ground.
You don't escort the ARCs or whips, you secure the path, fortify it, as you do your territory normally, then move through that secured territory to the front, and protect them while they work. Or more accurately, you defend yourselves in hostile territory long enough for it to become less hostile.
Then, once it is prepared for securing, you work to secure it, you move from defending the room to defending a little outside the room, defending the exits so the builders can colonise it. Then, once the room is secured, you have pushed the front further, and you move onto the next room. Thus is evolved territory control and strategic positioning. The commander directs which rooms get secured, the players for their part fight to destroy the siege weapons or to kill the defenders to better destroy the siege weapons, or to defend the siege weapons and each other.
Of course during all of this, the aliens are doing the same thing, trying to defend the room, attacking somewhere else, skirmishing through poorly secured areas or unsecurable areas, You have siege attack, siege defence, convoy interception if you do want to try attacking through unsecured ground, convoy defence, defending unsecured territory from non-siege attack, attacking unsecured territory without siege equipment. And of course just general skirmishing all over the map. You have plenty of variety here, and as long as the enemy players are doing something, your players will be required to do it as well, the difference is that it doesn't require precise coordination, the commander can attack territory undefended by players himself. Players can attack territory undefended by the commander themselves. Moreover, players will naturally congregate in front of commander defended territory and call for commander support to take it, this gives the commander opportunities to exploit, rather than requiring him to try to force players to organise into attack waves.
<b>To say that it requires no player input or is less of a hybrid isn't correct, if you think about it more.</b>
The only thing is, it can't be exploitable so that you can get points for camping in a corner or having your teammates form a wall around you. It should be about kills, welds, etc.
The only thing is, it can't be exploitable so that you can get points for camping in a corner or having your teammates form a wall around you. It should be about kills, welds, etc.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Only if it's more useful than a shotgun or lerk, and if it is, it'll probably completely unbalance the game.
If it isn't, who cares? Dying means I can either respawn and have another go, or respawn as something way more powerful. Either way it has less and less impact the longer the game goes on.
If it isn't, who cares? Dying means I can either respawn and have another go, or respawn as something way more powerful. Either way it has less and less impact the longer the game goes on.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well, if as a result of a strong first life your team can upgrade faster, that's a significant reason to play smart on your first life. I think that's just good design.
Ergh, personally I think it's the opposite. Having played Empires mod, and seeing firsthand the ENORMOUS problems that a decisiive early game cause, I have to say I am completely and wholeheartedly against encouraging it.
What tends to happen (by virtue of the fps/rts combination) is that if you can gain a significant lead early on, the game is decided in the first few minutes, but then takes 15 minutes to half an hour to actually play out, with no challenge for the victors and no point for the losers.
Actual contention is infinitely more enjoyable than that. One of the best things about NS2 is that expansion rates are sort of capped for both sides, and this will be even more prevalent on larger maps. This means that it already has an important component of preventing early game dominance. If you could solve the fact that the players on both sides can fairly easy curb stomp the other's resource expansion if they try, the game would have something really going for it in that department. As it stands I think encouraging the problem further is a very bad idea.
Although I also think that as stated, the first life bonus is pretty irrelevant, I don't see it affecting anything significantly unless they make it stupidly overpowered, which I assume they won't.
I only have one opinion to express: do not change lerk speed.
yeah he is so weak if marines got flamer, shotguns and Grenade launcher.
My mind:
Adding minimum respawn time to aliens
I have no idea whats the time is, but the spawn can feel long
Adjusting alien egg spawn times (making it fast when you have few eggs and slowing down when you have more)
same here
When cycling through eggs to choose where you spawn, don’t just cycle through the eggs, but choose a different location each time. Usually you don’t care about the exact egg, you just want to choose which hive. Alternatively, allow players to actually click the egg on the map.
It is already in? never know
Adding better sentry tracers so you know what’s happening before you’re suddenly dead
Maybe a laserpointereffect like in Battlefield 3 if someone aim at you, you see a little but transparent dot in your face.
Fixing the jittering when on or near structures/entities/props (we’ll definitely fix, just a question if it’s sooner or later)
good :)
Addressing problems were personal alien upgrades are basically free (you always get them)
Not enough damage feedback in general (you’re suddenly dead). This may be a server tick rate issue, not sure.
Yeah, sometimes you don't know you get hit, realy!
Lerk is too fast (he can be anywhere on the map so fast)
realy? will jetpacks not be fast too? i mean the lerk die so quick if marines got flamethrower and grenade launcher.
No lie, my left thumb always hit after i played lerk, because i press so much Space-key (its so hectic as lerk)
Alien alerts (“Your hive is under attackâ€) shouldn’t be affected by low-health DSP
Sometimes i have the feeling this message doesn't appear.
Add some way to attract players to Commander...medals?
But this could end in a fight, if somebody want medals he go com, even if there is a com. i think this is a "not that good" idea.
I realy haven't seen that people don't want be commander.
Most times there is a commander, but yeah attract players to be commander is a good idea, but how?
Whats about a rank system? Everyplayer get points AFTER a match (prevent rage quiters) and if he get enough, he goes a rank up.
The commander get diffrent points for diffrent things also marines (go to waypoint 1 point, kill a alien 10 points and such).
Quieter footsteps when wall-walking (to encourage use of it)
Even quieter? maybe its my audigy 2 ZS but its already hard to locate enemys.
Drawing “under attack†blips on the minimap (sometimes you see a hive sight blip then bring up the map and can’t see what’s under attack)
I saw the red ring yesterday on crossroads hive and it helps a lot.
Some kind of bonus for your very first incentive not to die and for tense, probing game start
Maybe like in Teamfortress 2 if a medic heal you? Your buff goes down after he stops healing you.
ARCs need mucho help
Realy??? yesterday we got the victorious power but the ARC destroyed mostly everything around the hive...
Maybe a player controlled ARC? like a gokart hahah (seriously that would be funny...too funny?)
Going to suggest adding a vent from Reactor to Data Core.
Yeah there more vents needed like in classic ns1
Also think we could use an alternate route from Ventilation to Data Core (either from Pipe or Vent RT)
Need to see the latest upgrades, esp. as they are researched
Maybe have alien alt abilities always triggerable. So right-click is always heal, even if you are bile-bombing. Leaping while parasiting. Doesn’t quite work for the Onos though.
Whats about if player hold a button and just tap it? like "on hold -> gorge_heal, on trigger -> gorge bile_bomb"?
Energy regeneration faster when still so you don’t run out when doing repetitive tasks like biting nodes, healing players
Changing healing spray to leave a cloud that heals in one place for a bit. That would allow the Gorge to heal fleeing fast-moving aliens a bit better as they travel through it instead of having to get the timing just right (esp. with Blink).
Very good!
Need to fix voice volume being low for some people
yes most times i don't understand the people, maybe a volume meter?
What tends to happen (by virtue of the fps/rts combination) is that if you can gain a significant lead early on, the game is decided in the first few minutes, but then takes 15 minutes to half an hour to actually play out, with no challenge for the victors and no point for the losers.
Actual contention is infinitely more enjoyable than that. One of the best things about NS2 is that expansion rates are sort of capped for both sides, and this will be even more prevalent on larger maps. This means that it already has an important component of preventing early game dominance. If you could solve the fact that the players on both sides can fairly easy curb stomp the other's resource expansion if they try, the game would have something really going for it in that department. As it stands I think encouraging the problem further is a very bad idea.
Although I also think that as stated, the first life bonus is pretty irrelevant, I don't see it affecting anything significantly unless they make it stupidly overpowered, which I assume they won't.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
So, in other words, if I understand you, you don't want the first life bonus to lead to early insurmountable dominance? I agree. If it avoided doing that, I like it.
Well, yeah, although I don't really have an opinion on first life bonus. I don't imagine I'll care about keeping it and I don't expect it to lead to that problem. If I need to die to achieve something I do, if I don't I don't. How many bonuses you give me has no bearing on that.
It's just there.
<ul><li>Lerk is too fast (he can be anywhere on the map so fast)</li><li>Some kind of bonus for your very first incentive not to die and for tense, probing game start</li><li>Changing healing spray to leave a cloud that heals in one place for a bit. That would allow the Gorge to heal fleeing fast-moving aliens a bit better as they travel through it instead of having to get the timing just right (esp. with Blink).</li></ul>
First, the lerk is not really faster than the fade. Making him slower will make him weak in combat. Sure, it has to be tested, but i never felt the speed to be wrong (but there is a new lerk flight mod in the modding forum which seems to have some reasonable lerk flying changes).
Then, that first life bonus isnt intuitive, and i dont really see what it would add to the game. New players will be confused when they have a bonus, when not etc... too complicated imho.
and then the healspray. i think its absolutely fine as it is. at least it needs some kind of skill. For area based healing the aliens have the crag.
What i would be much more interested in are fade changes. Schimmels balance mod has some interesting changes in that regard. Any word on that?
Forcing (or encouraging) a slow, probing early game sounds like a snorefest from strategical viewpoint. Such approach is cool in a map you don't know against an unknown enemy, but with repetition, routine and understanding (kind of necessary in RTS games) it just ends up limiting the gameplay.
Isn't that a problem link to the unintuitive way the armor is working ? I remember a thread where this was discussed at length.
>Lerk is too fast (he can be anywhere on the map so fast)
I don't really feel like the lerk is too fast. I would much prefer a more advanced flight model, the actual one is kind of simple : no flapping required, 180 turn without loosing speed, ...
>Some kind of bonus for your very first incentive not to die and for tense, probing game start
I don't understand what this means. Would you get more health on your first skulk or something like that ?
I like the fact that the marines can be rushed early and I think it'd be good if the aliens were also somewhat vulnerable in the early game (I think with balanced spawn times this would be the case). It adds to the tension and forces players to play smart at the start of the game, rather than just running off.
I'm not sure about the first life bonus. I think it may just make players less willing to perform risky strategies for fear of losing the bonus. This could make games always start in the same boring predictable way with both teams camping and being afraid to engage.