Steve Jobs found dead
Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11426Members

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update: Jobs died "peacefully" surrounded by family members, his family said in a statement.
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update: Jobs died "peacefully" surrounded by family members, his family said in a statement.
I do have to (grudgingly) give him his due. Without Jobs, we wouldn't have Pixar as it is today.
Yeah that was probably in bad taste. Seriously though, i'd be lost without my iPod. It's too bad, 56 is too young for someone to die. Having "turned a struggling company into a global behemoth with more cash on hand than the U.S. treasury" is a nice bullet on a resume for an accomplishment few in the world can attest to.
As much as people knock Macs, Apple. He IS innovation.
It is sad, as you can only imagine he has left a long legacy of ideas written down for how he wants Apple to go, and we may never see them.
He was a control freak, he just kept managing the company through it all.
It takes a true marketing genus to convince people they need an iPad.
So anyway, yeah, smart dude, sad to see him die so young. Seems like having all the money in the world doesn't matter in the end.
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Really though, the man was a genius. He knew what people wanted, and he gave them it (at a healthy markup).
they rumor 4S means "for steve"
Too bad for Steve though, he never supported flash.
and we can all go home knowing dr fuzzy won the thread
For that terrible joke we all know yours will be iLonely.
I miss him too, sorry if this is too soon, but I thought it was really funny.
So burn in hell, you TechnoNazi.
Going from a company that positioned itself as being anti-authoritarian, encouraging free thought (see: the original 1984 commercial) into being one that locked EVERYTHING down, selling style to the mindless iDrones who paid the Moron Tax happily?
Form over function is the domain of the vapid and popular.
I'm still chuckling at Siri, and iDiots' amazement at it... after all, Android has had that up and running exceptionally well for the last year and change. As the 'big new feature' of the new sub-model phone, I'd be expecting something that hadn't been done before, and already done significantly better.
The amount of entitled in this thread is pretty sickening. I didn't like him as a person, nor do I own any of his products save for an iPod that I was given, and I think a lot of those lockdown choices were pretty ######. But if you think introducing design back into engineering, and thusly bringing the technological par of the working class up into real smartphones, wasn't worth the lockdown? You're simply being a curmudgeon, and a jaded one at that.
The way i see it is what enabled the ipod, iphone, ipad and all these other affordable technological gadgetry is not so much the genius but the incredibly favourable low cost manufactoring environment in emerging markets like China and South-East Asia. If the iphone was made entirely in the US, the price point would be way too high (I remember reading an article ballparking it at $15,000 or so) for the large majority. Great market conditions drive and allow great innovation.
He didn't find the solution to any humanitarian problems, only some shiny products for an ever hungry tech market. Praising him for his marketing genius imo is basically the same as saying he shall be remembered for making us want things we wouldn't otherwise want which is really kinda shallow.
Besides, he wasn't always the godlike visionary leader everyone is painting him to be. In his younger days during his first phase of leadership he basically mismanaged alot of social/human/financial capital by creating very unhealthy divisional splits within apple. Nevertheless, death is serious and i dont mean any disrespect to steve jobs, just the hero worship gets to me. I mean will you really i mean actually really miss him beyond words of platitudes?
kindle app on iPhone? It's plan retarded that you can't. The list is endless of simply inane restrictions that are the mark of a predatory company and not of an enlightened one.
Why can't you watch flash video? Why does that benefit the user? As a former iphone user who made the transition to android and sees how effective a completely open platform can be on a phone, I'll never buy another apple product again.
Why can't you read your kindle books on your iphone? Well, why can't I download my Steam games on Origin? Oh wait, it's just plain retarded I can't!
Oh look at that, I made a similarity in product and company placement which is as stupid as the first example.
Actually no. That's a bad analogy. A better one would be "I have installed origin through steam. Why can't I buy any origin games?".
Apple's money is made by letting you into a wonderfully-styled theme park, with great rides and entertaining shows, but only letting you buy pepsi and charging you through the nose for it.
So now wanting to do your own stuff with your own MP3 player or whatever is "entitlement"?
An iPad costs how much?
So if I say I do own one of these devices, does it lend more credence to my point? Or would you just whine that 'if I hate it so much, why do I own one'? I'm guessing the latter.
And if I say I don't own one, you would then vomit more fetid ###### out of your mouth along the lines of 'if you don't own one you have no right to complain'.
Neither of these actually changes the fact that Apple updates their devices in a way designed specifically to brick jailbroken devices all because they represent a threat to their profits.
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ITT: Apple apologists.