Spectate Slots

WarmongerWarmonger Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13126Members, Constellation
edited July 2011 in Ideas and Suggestions
It would be nice to have the ability to add dedicated spectate slots on the server if the server owner chooses. I remember Tribes 2 had this ability and it was really handy. Most T2 servers had (by default IIRC) two spectate slots available and the spectators weren't taking up slots from other players who want to join a team. I feel this was a really innovative feature that Dynamix implemented in T2 but I haven't really seen a game do it since then. Here are some of the advantages of having dedicated spectate slots:
<ul><li>People who are new to the game can spectate to get a feel for the game and can watch better players to understand tactics / techniques / etc.</li><li>People who want to watch for enjoyment (like a sport) without taking a slot and causing teams to be uneven. I like to watch while I'm eating dinner for entertainment.</li><li>People who want to join a specific server but the server is full. They can join as a spectator and then move to one of the teams when a slot opens up. This was also very common in T2 as players queued in the spectator slots while waiting for a slot to open on one of the teams and then you don't have to come in "cold" since you've been watching to get a feel for what's going on in the game. This also helps your teammates when you join a team since you'll be in the loop on what's going on when you join.</li></ul>
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