Marines vs marines
Join Date: 2002-02-28 Member: 259Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Who exactly would be fighting?</div>For those of you that have read my topic in the Fan-Fiction forum, you'd know that I'm writing some stuff to add to the ever-so-great NS world. One of the things I plan to have in my story is a Secret Organization yet to have a name which has secretly tried to take down the government for over 20 years. The Government knows the group exists, but tells the public this group is simply a terrorist faction. The group was formed after the Nulcear Cold War. They know of all government plots, consiraces, and things that would give anyone a chill if they knew about them. Mabye during Marine vs Marine skirmishes, It could be the TSA Marines vs The-Secret-Organization/Terrorist-Faction
edit: sorry, i couldn't spell your name <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->
<b>UMO</b> - This stands for Union Military Organization, which exists as a privately-funded military presence that has a long-standing history of being the "elite of the elite" in all deep-space combat situations. It is possible that the creation of the TSA has ruffled some high-ranking feathers within the UMO. They may feel threatened by a new special combat group working inside their jurisdiction, and with the corporate funding they have, would not only have the motive, but also the means to undermine the TSA's efforts.
Although the UMO has yet to outwardly assault the TSA's authority, there are rumors that the UMO's Reconnaisance Force, known as the <b>Infinity Group</b>, may have been deployed in several previous incidents with the intention of disturbing TSA troop movements. It is also believed that the Infinity group has plans to research, capture, and re-engineer alien specimens, in hopes of learning new fighting methods and developing new combat technologies. This would be for their own benefit, of course.
This is only something I've developed as a side-story, but if it inspires any of you, all the better. I will also post some pics of what the UMO and Infinity troops look like this week.
Also, the goal of a terrorist organization is to make a statement or attain a goal through the use of "terror" or scare tactics. I find it hard to see them putting their energy into making a treaty with the aliens.
However, if they DID make a successful (however unorthodox) partnership with the aliens, their goal might be to assist the aliens in attacking the TSA.
If we use an organization that believes in preserving the aliens/making peace with them, then it would totally be going against my story...
Unless you were just joking... <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
But we didn't, and we really don't appreciate someone trying to push us around. Sorry to be blunt, but I don't know how else to get the point across. We write, or map, or make art, because we like to be creative. We don't do those things to work inside unofficial templates.
On the ego side, what if when NS is released, everything you've done is wrong, how will that make you look? You have to think ahead.
However, just to throw my 2½¢ in... The biggest organization that would be opposing the TSA would be either hired guns or employees (read: other military types) in a BlackOps sort of situation working against the marines, due to the fact that the governement feels they gave the TSA -way- too much power. The first few run-ins with this secret organization would probably be a big shock to the TSA, as they won't be expecting it. The also would probably have no way of knowing who or what was doing this type of stuff, as the secret organization wouldn't be carrying any identifying stuff.
However, every society has it's crackpots, and there will always be the greenpeaceers who want to save the aliens from humanity.
p.s sorry taht this is not organized what so ever but im just brain storming,
p.s.s glad somebody likes the cultist idea, wouldnt mind some help on developing it further
If there does end up being a human vs. human scenario where the other faction is some eco-extremist cult or black ops group, will there be a separate but similar model for the players on this other faction? Like some kind of variant of the marine player model, with different team colors and perhaps a different style of body armor?
on another hand it could just be tha future mafia trying to get their gurby hands on the "product"