mix of bugs and idea's
Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members

<div class="IPBDescription">ill try and be brief</div>what i think are ideas but may be bugs
when assigning ctrl+# number to a building or squad once pushing the button again should center com camera above said target instead of some random cycled location in the map. serious it wreaks a good micro.
assigning multiple things to the same Ctrl+# number key, should do a mix of things. fill the hud mouse click area with a array of icons if multiple units in alphabetical order. do a separation between buildings and or players. if buildings are of the same type using multiple shift and ctrl+# number key assignments. allow interface with all of them from hud or hot keys. example all crags selected in a hive hot keyed to 1. push 1. click heal and umbra all fire if able to do so.
do away with kharaa res nodes individually needing to be upgraded OMFG this is a pain in the back side. so frustrating. make it a single solid upgrade or a over all instant lvl upgrade. e.g if you take first res node and upgrade it to lvl three. all additionally res nodes dropped have lvl three or with one click are upgradable to lvl 3.
i noticed it is a hard for marines to burn down the infest DI. how ever 30 seconds in a hive with a flamer can kill off hive DI near instantly. was interesting to see a flamer get into spawn. burn away all the DI me have no place to drop a new crag. as flamer got killed swiftly but then realize all my infestation strands have just rapidly died off through out 80% of the map.
i am finding certain marine weapons are kicking the crap out of kharaa structures. GL flamer and shot gun. especially shot gun. i get a under attack warning before i can click its icon and look at map or mini map the structure is dead. i don't quite know if its a weapon damage too high structure hp too low, of if the warning is just simply slightly delayed. at full upgraded and 4 hives seeing a shot gun basically one shot every structure on the board even with crags near by dropping umbra i think there might be something wrong.
flamer going through walls obviously its been mentioned. this is nasty.
gorges and certain structure drop and build orders not happening is being quite annoying. things are ment to drop when asked not 8 seconds latter or when told for the 12th time. serious countless time i am having to tel la drifter to build the same structure over and over again until it finally settles in to build it. and you cant just spam it cos it interrupts it from doing its thing.
kharaa Fl needs to be more softer blend with real view more like towards the end of the video guessing your heading that way just not in the latest patch. cant wait for this to show up pheromone trails and shiz.
kharaa really need a efficient way around the map. the vent help a lot but with wall walking being a little useless at the moment. and gorges stuck to the ground. its getting ever difficult to get from point a to point B but i must admit sliding every were is fun. i strafe slid away from a 4 man shot gun rush earlier it was epic.
the over all speed of things. marines simply move faster than they should. they can easily keep up with and over take most lerks, amateur skulks and gorges unless hes got velocity and is able to slide freely.
i was a fade at one point. doing the blink thing was all good. came around a corner. was already lined up to blink. marine shot gunned me too the face as a clicked blink. as i blink i land while i am blinking a second shot gun round goes off killed me instantly. the marine didn't turn around to make this shot.
finding certain area's and certain clicks are being confused as if i am clicking on the over lining roof when in com. must get certain com view angles just right to lay down some res nodes.
drifter pathing. told a drifter to go into a vent 5 feet from were it was. it decided to fly around the entire map go into the other side of the vent just to get to were i told it.
way point/rally points need a sprite
infestation i am hoping gets to the point were it blocks out light, how ever coms need a way to see. a black room when the power is out even for a kharraa com is way too harsh
DI isnt stopping doors being welded shut by enemy com. nore is dropping as much of it around the door or ######ing around with it for 2 minutes able to open or unlock the door....have also been crushed by marine com closing a door on me as a slow gorge trying to flee. a interesting epic tactics not sure if it is intended. kinda hope so. but kinda dont. bring back spit switches i say *evil gorge chuckle.
marines working together even two. seams way too over powered able to take out far greater numbers and or even higher life forms in formidable hands. than one would assume. possible. seeing this a lot. the lag prolly isnt helping
net code it seams. that perhaps each individual hydra and or any thing that is doing a constant radius search repeatedly is chewing a lot of band width. perhaps its possible to combine the hydra's search rate by hydras that over lap. similar to how marines bubbles blur and gain bonuses. it seams a bit far fetched but all these structure doing constant searches to see if any thing is in range then playing its animation. something here is really chewing up the pipe. i wounder how much lag they would create if you took away the signal code that plays the animation to show when marines are near by. even just for a patch or turned them into manual turrets with push activation. not saying it should be final but its worth a test something in these little suckers is stripping clients and the server of resources and band width. i have played smooth games almost like a ns1 co map with out a single hydra being dropped. start dropping hydras and you can progressively see ping and recourse being drained. 40 plus hydras seams to kill just about any server i have played on that normally has a average ping of 65 rapidly jumping up to 500 and down to 16 frames or less a second
hydras should also be similar to whips in that if a marine touches one it takes massive melee damage
crag armor is none existent the dang thing is getting obliterated so fast. no other healing can keep up except gorges i am seeing cages in hive rooms like 8 crags all rings over lapping all in range of hive dieing near instantly to shot guns gl's and concentrated flamers not to mention a ducking marine avoiding useless hydra wall damage hiding behind one tearing the crag to bits with his axe.
i find it funny when a marine can camp a hive room, farming kills with out com support for 15 minutes till he runs out of ammo survives goes in for the kill against structure with his axe takes out a few aliens then realizes he may as well just kill him self to get more ammo as it will be faster. only too come back to do it again. i don't know what my suggestion here should be, other than maybe hives need a defensive reactive umbra spurt. at maybe mass manual activated for 30 energy. and at colossal damage reactive umbra for 2 energy. or spore. dont want to double up though.
don't want to sound like a nagger or whining. but gorge grappling hook, or a gorge bomb. could definitely enhance this support role game play. looking forward to lerk hang on ceiling and other things for lerk. which isn't too bad at the moment. even if you left lerk as it was right now id still most likely play it even on releases. gorge still feels lacking and wanting more. i have been trying to find a few good niches with him. but hes being difficult. best thing i can give him is i have avoided the odd nasty fight with belly slide. only due to one or two marines with out com support or realizing that my walls of hydras are useless. and not willing to follow me. i have how ever died allot more time while dropping a structure and being unable to do any thing for that fraction of a time frame. long enough for a marine to jump out and waste me in one shot gun round.
when assigning ctrl+# number to a building or squad once pushing the button again should center com camera above said target instead of some random cycled location in the map. serious it wreaks a good micro.
assigning multiple things to the same Ctrl+# number key, should do a mix of things. fill the hud mouse click area with a array of icons if multiple units in alphabetical order. do a separation between buildings and or players. if buildings are of the same type using multiple shift and ctrl+# number key assignments. allow interface with all of them from hud or hot keys. example all crags selected in a hive hot keyed to 1. push 1. click heal and umbra all fire if able to do so.
do away with kharaa res nodes individually needing to be upgraded OMFG this is a pain in the back side. so frustrating. make it a single solid upgrade or a over all instant lvl upgrade. e.g if you take first res node and upgrade it to lvl three. all additionally res nodes dropped have lvl three or with one click are upgradable to lvl 3.
i noticed it is a hard for marines to burn down the infest DI. how ever 30 seconds in a hive with a flamer can kill off hive DI near instantly. was interesting to see a flamer get into spawn. burn away all the DI me have no place to drop a new crag. as flamer got killed swiftly but then realize all my infestation strands have just rapidly died off through out 80% of the map.
i am finding certain marine weapons are kicking the crap out of kharaa structures. GL flamer and shot gun. especially shot gun. i get a under attack warning before i can click its icon and look at map or mini map the structure is dead. i don't quite know if its a weapon damage too high structure hp too low, of if the warning is just simply slightly delayed. at full upgraded and 4 hives seeing a shot gun basically one shot every structure on the board even with crags near by dropping umbra i think there might be something wrong.
flamer going through walls obviously its been mentioned. this is nasty.
gorges and certain structure drop and build orders not happening is being quite annoying. things are ment to drop when asked not 8 seconds latter or when told for the 12th time. serious countless time i am having to tel la drifter to build the same structure over and over again until it finally settles in to build it. and you cant just spam it cos it interrupts it from doing its thing.
kharaa Fl needs to be more softer blend with real view more like towards the end of the video guessing your heading that way just not in the latest patch. cant wait for this to show up pheromone trails and shiz.
kharaa really need a efficient way around the map. the vent help a lot but with wall walking being a little useless at the moment. and gorges stuck to the ground. its getting ever difficult to get from point a to point B but i must admit sliding every were is fun. i strafe slid away from a 4 man shot gun rush earlier it was epic.
the over all speed of things. marines simply move faster than they should. they can easily keep up with and over take most lerks, amateur skulks and gorges unless hes got velocity and is able to slide freely.
i was a fade at one point. doing the blink thing was all good. came around a corner. was already lined up to blink. marine shot gunned me too the face as a clicked blink. as i blink i land while i am blinking a second shot gun round goes off killed me instantly. the marine didn't turn around to make this shot.
finding certain area's and certain clicks are being confused as if i am clicking on the over lining roof when in com. must get certain com view angles just right to lay down some res nodes.
drifter pathing. told a drifter to go into a vent 5 feet from were it was. it decided to fly around the entire map go into the other side of the vent just to get to were i told it.
way point/rally points need a sprite
infestation i am hoping gets to the point were it blocks out light, how ever coms need a way to see. a black room when the power is out even for a kharraa com is way too harsh
DI isnt stopping doors being welded shut by enemy com. nore is dropping as much of it around the door or ######ing around with it for 2 minutes able to open or unlock the door....have also been crushed by marine com closing a door on me as a slow gorge trying to flee. a interesting epic tactics not sure if it is intended. kinda hope so. but kinda dont. bring back spit switches i say *evil gorge chuckle.
marines working together even two. seams way too over powered able to take out far greater numbers and or even higher life forms in formidable hands. than one would assume. possible. seeing this a lot. the lag prolly isnt helping
net code it seams. that perhaps each individual hydra and or any thing that is doing a constant radius search repeatedly is chewing a lot of band width. perhaps its possible to combine the hydra's search rate by hydras that over lap. similar to how marines bubbles blur and gain bonuses. it seams a bit far fetched but all these structure doing constant searches to see if any thing is in range then playing its animation. something here is really chewing up the pipe. i wounder how much lag they would create if you took away the signal code that plays the animation to show when marines are near by. even just for a patch or turned them into manual turrets with push activation. not saying it should be final but its worth a test something in these little suckers is stripping clients and the server of resources and band width. i have played smooth games almost like a ns1 co map with out a single hydra being dropped. start dropping hydras and you can progressively see ping and recourse being drained. 40 plus hydras seams to kill just about any server i have played on that normally has a average ping of 65 rapidly jumping up to 500 and down to 16 frames or less a second
hydras should also be similar to whips in that if a marine touches one it takes massive melee damage
crag armor is none existent the dang thing is getting obliterated so fast. no other healing can keep up except gorges i am seeing cages in hive rooms like 8 crags all rings over lapping all in range of hive dieing near instantly to shot guns gl's and concentrated flamers not to mention a ducking marine avoiding useless hydra wall damage hiding behind one tearing the crag to bits with his axe.
i find it funny when a marine can camp a hive room, farming kills with out com support for 15 minutes till he runs out of ammo survives goes in for the kill against structure with his axe takes out a few aliens then realizes he may as well just kill him self to get more ammo as it will be faster. only too come back to do it again. i don't know what my suggestion here should be, other than maybe hives need a defensive reactive umbra spurt. at maybe mass manual activated for 30 energy. and at colossal damage reactive umbra for 2 energy. or spore. dont want to double up though.
don't want to sound like a nagger or whining. but gorge grappling hook, or a gorge bomb. could definitely enhance this support role game play. looking forward to lerk hang on ceiling and other things for lerk. which isn't too bad at the moment. even if you left lerk as it was right now id still most likely play it even on releases. gorge still feels lacking and wanting more. i have been trying to find a few good niches with him. but hes being difficult. best thing i can give him is i have avoided the odd nasty fight with belly slide. only due to one or two marines with out com support or realizing that my walls of hydras are useless. and not willing to follow me. i have how ever died allot more time while dropping a structure and being unable to do any thing for that fraction of a time frame. long enough for a marine to jump out and waste me in one shot gun round.
1. Post bugs on getsatisfaction:http://getsatisfaction.com/unknownworlds. While UWE do browse these forums, I don't get the impression that they scrutinize every thread posted.
2. Make separate threads for unrelated ideas/suggestions. Ideally each thread should be about a single topic or idea, but its seems ok if you group related ideas in one thread.
3. Walls of text are rarely a good idea. You are guaranteed to get many tldr posts.
As for content, here's what I have:
- DI is a prototype, it will be eventually fixed/improved by UWE
- Marine weapons are still being balanced, but I would agree that the shotgun is op vs. structures and the flamethrower is up vs. DI
- Aliens and marine arn't suppose to have the same movement values. Aliens are already highly mobile (skulks = vents, lerks = flying, fade = blink) except for the gorge, which is a support class so it shouldn't be fast or mobile. Marine sprint probably needs a cap (or stamina bar) to prevent unlimited sprinting, but the speed is fine. Aliens should be encouraged to take advantage of the walls/ceilings/vents/etc by making them slower than a sprinting marine but faster than a walking marine.
- Most of the op-ness you state about marines is due to shotguns being good at killing players AND structures. It should be one or the other, but not both.
- Drifter/MAC pathing sucks, has been acknowledged by UWE, and will be fixed eventually.
- I agree with simplifying res node upgrades. IMO it should be one upgrade that doubles both personal and team resources. I find that I rarely upgrade res nodes anymore because the team resources could be better used getting additional res nodes, funding upgrades, or expanding.
- The gorge-placing-hydras speed nerf was a silly solution to a real problem imo. Hydras should drop instantly at the spot where you first click and then slowly build over time. I don't see the need for a complex hydra-dropping animation.
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and proper punctuation, capitalisation and grammar.
Also use dot points and/or numbering.
I should note that for me, it was tl;dr. Using the above, you could vastly increase the readability.