ns1 flashlight= alien vision

louis cardinallouis cardinal Join Date: 2010-12-14 Member: 75664Members
<div class="IPBDescription">well what do you think of having the alien vision?</div>HERES my idea and i think its great because of its realistic and originality:

give ALL alien players excluding life form, they will all have it , it is called something like alien vision( can suggest a better name?)

basicly when this is turned on you can ONLY see things CLOSE RANGE, this is competely useless and is bad when used to see far away (i would like this so aliens cant just spot a marine from so far away in a large room, thats just not realistic)

This alien vision will highlight anything that is organic within a range of three onos's radius.

this vision will be freaking awesome and with the capabilities of the spark engine i think there can be a awesome visual effects ( if not too demanding) to see the chests of marine's hearts beating etc and the movement of organic matter internally ETC.

whos with me? overall its just a alien vision that i am asking for, because that was a very special thing to ns1.
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