Macs/Drifters and old build mode

DracoJJDracoJJ Join Date: 2010-11-26 Member: 75293Members
I was browsing around in the general chat and saw a few people complaining about the mac/drifter system of building. Most were saying how they missed the old build style how the comm would place structures, and the gorges would place buildings. I do agree that as of right now, the gorges basically have no use one so ever other than placing hydras, which as seen by many servers only succeeds in bogging them down. So how can we add something more for gorges to do, but at the same time allow us to keep the Macs/drifter system, as well as give the marines a bigger role in the build process for those who want it, other than just escort.

1. Macs are required to place and build things, but Marines are allowed to assist in speeding the construction (which so far this is done)

2. Macs can not place a building unless a marine is close by, taking something similar to how the original game where you can only rez a building when a marine is close to its location.

3.Add welders to the game so the marines can do things such as weld doors shut and repair structures as they did in the first one, but still allow the macs to do so as well, just making it so the comm is not the only one required to do it at all times.

4.Drifters can only place the buildings but not construct them. This way the comm for the aliens can place the structures he likes, BUT requires at least 1 gorge to finish up the structure, and actually make it completely built.

5. Drifters require a gorge near by to actually build the structure. (doesn't have to only be gorge but this would give them a bigger role if it were the case) This would also allow it to be much more difficult for aliens to rush hives and block the marines from getting even 1 extra comm.

I also feel that this can very well help reduce the rush factor in many games so far that I have been in, Allowing for both the aliens and marines to take their time to construct things like hives, or comm chairs, as well as forcing some of the normal skulks to become gorges in order to construct the buildings. Pick it apart all you like, It is only a suggestion.
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