Promoting NS2 on Steam Friends List

Bobby is going homeBobby is going home Join Date: 2010-04-11 Member: 71323Awaiting Authorization
edited November 2010 in NS2 E-Team
Just add NS 2 as a "non Steam" game to your games list, then edit the properties so that it shows "Natural Selection 2", insted of NS2.

The following will show in your Friends List when you start NS2:

"In non-steam game
Natural Selection 2"

instead of nothing ;)

PS: Executable located at:
Steam\steamapps\common\natural selection 2\NS2.exe

PPS: Yeah, it <b>is</b> a steam game but there is no way in telling Steam.

I know see that for some people Steam does display ingame NS2 as a normal Steam game.
It does not for me. Anybody else having the problem?
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