
WiedeWiede Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72933Members
edited July 2010 in Mapping
Sry guys, no screens until now, starting with conception in my own thread.

Greetings first :)

All i want is to get some suggestions about my ns_tortuga conception.

<img src="http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/7977/layoutia.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
black = mainway
red = sec Way
grey = weldalbe/"onosable" ^_^

- pirate spacestation hidden on an asteroid, not tolerated by the law, but now a important strategical location for the defense vs. the aline invasion

- lowres/2tp easy-access for Marines
- highres/1tp easy-access for Aliens

The idea behind that is, to generate a marine-defending-alien-invasion-feeling.

- expected hard-action-zones: Hallway, Shipping, (Energy-Supply)
- low distance between MS-AS ->> hallway - bay rush
- long distance between hard-action-zones -> decision what zone you want/need (e.g. rines lost shipping? there can't be a big alien dominance in Hallways and Hallways are the door to controls, controls is the door to Dres, etcetc.)
- weldable fast-rushdoor/lategame rushdoor to AS/Onos movement in lategame
- decision: get hallways for res or shipping for tp

So, what you think about it? I just worry about the balance because the developers e.g. prefer symmetric maps: i expect an alien dominance with lowtech and a late time marine dominance, right?

Sorry for my english, it was a long time ago i need it in such a form :)


  • DelphicDelphic Join Date: 2006-11-02 Member: 58262Members
    I think you're aware of the issue, which is you may very well end up with marines on tech 3 and aliens on tech 2, and it's a question of if the extra res for aliens can compensate.

    I think there's no way you can know if this is going to work before play testing, so I would suggest grey boxing it and then testing it come Beta. My thoughts is if the marines put IPs in Shipping they will easily be able to attack Energy Supply and deprive aliens of their required res advantage. You may need to make Energy Supply easier to defend for aliens, either by lots of vents and room geometry that favours alien play (dark and not too much LoS, easy to lerk gas spam) or swapping it's position with the single res node (that's not Hallway), or maybe both.

    Only issue with swapping is then maybe E.S. will be too close to A.S. and the entire game will be about taking E.S. (always a risk with a double res point even with out a purposely imbalanced map!).

    So yeah, probably going to have to wait to be play test this with nearer to v1 balance, keep in mind the devs won't be trying to balance the sides so that res superiority is balanced to tech superiority (necessarily... they might concerns about this, but mostly they'll just be making sure equal tech + equal res = equal sides!).
  • WiedeWiede Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72933Members
    edited July 2010
    Interresting thoughts, thank you for that.

    Although my short conception, i think you got the point of my idea :)

    As you said, no one knows the tp-resnode-balance-relation, so i think too, that we have to wait until a playable beta or something. But when there is a good balance like 1tp/2resnodes (simplified), i think it won't be a big problem to make changes at alien resnodes to balance the map.

    It might be, that a description of the zones can help a little bit more:

    - Bay: standard architecture, some wide lightened areas for rines, dark corners and some Probs for aliens to hide, nothing special

    - Cargo: just a Cargo, nothing special

    - Hallways: different Levels, small tight stairs, elevator, winding architecture, many corners

    - Controls: human architecture, but small tight hallways, multiple rooms

    - AS and resnodes near of it will be at lower levels than the rest. complex architecture, dark, many corners, some lateralways, alien dominance territory. It will be a sort of related catacombs: the maintenance of the whole map, if you want to call it like that. I think it will be very hard for marins to go in and hold the position from the shipping side. It will be easier from the hallways side.

    until now:
    <a href="http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/2235/oidnqrgd_jpg.htm" target="_blank"><img src="http://s1.directupload.net/images/100729/temp/oidnqrgd.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
    green = alien prefered architecture
    blue = rine prefered architecture

    - Shipping will be a wide open area, easy to get from cargo or MS, but the aliens will be able to go in through some vents and a dark lightend, more complex hallway from energy supply.

    [edit: shipping in this form was canceled :)]

    At all i think, it will be necessary for rines to hold their 3 tps and fight their way through hallways to take controls, meanwhile the aliens try to hold hallways/controls and try to get access to shipping. The circle of fighting :)

    Independent of the balance between resnodes/tp until now, the aliens have to use their resadvantage, while the rines have to use their techadvantage to do that.

    I know its hard to figure out the balance between the races until a beta comes, but i just want to break that "balance>all"-idea in the maps a little bit, because i think, it would be nice to create a scenario of invading aliens and hard fighting marines.

    Perhaps i have to kill the idea, but for now i will follow my ideas :P
  • jeff123jeff123 Join Date: 2010-08-03 Member: 73461Members
    I appreciate your demonstration but it is little bit difficult to understand for new person.I think you should give it in layman language style.
  • ThaldarinThaldarin Alonzi&#33; Join Date: 2003-07-15 Member: 18173Members, Constellation
    jeff123 all should be fine if you insert this terminology,

    AS = Alien Spawn
    MS = Marine Spawn
    resnode = Resources Node
    TP = Tech Point
    rines = Marines
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