Please focus on fixing the mouse before fixing anything after the connection issues.



  • cookmancookman Join Date: 2003-12-22 Member: 24654Members
    Errch, just pre-ordered yesterday.

    I've done everything in my power to lessen this crazy mouse lag but nothing seems to work. No flip queue, no vertical sync, no triple buffering, lowest possible settings. Funny thing is that changing them really didn't make any noticeable difference. It's like the game completely ignores my GPU and runs on my processor alone. I really don't believe there should be any performance problems with a HD 5870.

    I can overcome the constant stutter and anomalous view reverting, but this mouse lag just makes the game completely unplayable for me. I can see that not everyone experience it since they seem to track targets just fine, but lots of players are completely thrown off by me simply walking in a circle.

    Unplayable up until getting the flame thrower, which doesn't really require aiming. Or anything for that matter.
  • NurEinMenschNurEinMensch Join Date: 2003-02-26 Member: 14056Members, Constellation
    This thread is a little old already, but since you've dug it up I might as well reply here.

    I recently updated my ATI (AMD whatever) driver, lowered the resolution of the game a little and switched from full screen to window mode. The game feels a lot more smooth and responsive since then. Also if you're having issues for some reason they seem to be tied to bad servers, at least for me. Try a different server. That 14 slot server which I think has "Chicago" something in its name seems to be very stable and powerful. I get good performance when I play there.
  • cookmancookman Join Date: 2003-12-22 Member: 24654Members
    Doesn't make any difference what I do, it's as broken as ever.

    And really, I can't imagine how the server would influence mouse lag in any way. This isn't exactly onlive.
  • NurEinMenschNurEinMensch Join Date: 2003-02-26 Member: 14056Members, Constellation
    Do you mean mouse lag as in the actual mouse cursor being laggy when you go through the menus, or are you talking about looking around and turning? Because the latter can definitely be affected by the server and your connection to it.
  • cookmancookman Join Date: 2003-12-22 Member: 24654Members
    Cursor in menus are just fine. It's the mouse view in-game which doesn't turn before like >300ms after I actually move my mouse. It's very noticeable and very detrimental to playing as it makes hitting things more of a fluke than anything.

    I think it's related to the topic on Getsatisfaction related to high-end machines performing extremely poor. I barely get 20 fps with no more than a Whip on screen. It seems that many people with newer GPUs get very poor fps in-game. The view lag subsides once I get around 60 fps in the few situations where no entities are present in game. However, I can't imagine why I can only hit a maximum of around 60 fps, with lowest possible settings, lowest resolution, no shadows and no vertical sync with the pretty heavy rig that I have.
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