NS2 and where it's gone....

GanJaBFDGanJaBFD Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 73031Members
NOTE: I know this is an alpha, don't start flaming over that!

Where did my lovely NS go to? Lets take a look.....

Marine Melee with rifle, L4D anyone? Why is this even here? Where is my iron sight?

Maps are rather small compared to NS1 maps, where is the depth.... The need for phase gates, etc.

Rambo style NS.... I assume by the server setup that Combat and normal NS are going to make it to release... So why does my NS feel like a watered down version of combat? I like that the better you do the more resources you get to purchase things for yourself. But where is the team aspect of this game? You rambo off get some resources and come back with better weapons to rambo some more. There is very little team aspect feel to this game at this current time.

Far to linear of maps. Yea I know there are multiple corridors to go down but they all are just that corridors, there are no vents. No sub corridors no variety to a path to a specific point like some NS1 maps had.

Where are you going with NS2? Is the entire game, regardless of game mode going to be arcade like style? Or are we going to see that beloved NS team play style again? I mean really? Commander or Hive (w/e you wanna call him) do basically everything on their own now. Gorges seemly become useless, they are decent support but have no main role function like NS1 did.

Grenade launcher attached to a rifle. Makes the GLer little less useless but promotes more ramboing. He's no longer a support duder he's just the bad ass.

Pistol with a better dmg mode but fires slower. Perfect for those baiting shots into a structure. Or sniping of a skulk sitting on a roof.

Graphics, even though I run only 40 fps regardless of my graphical settings, on a monster of a rig, it still looks amazing. But my eyes begin to hurt after a while at that low of FPS.... Lowing settings doesn't seem to do anything.

Gorge being able to "hurdle" is awesome for a defensive measure, but really why be a gorge in the first place if you don't have a main role. You're not advancing or defending and then supporting as needed due to the fact you aren't very versitile as NS1 made them to be.

Lerks gas is far to much dmg, although I love the fact it gives a bonus to attack speed when used, instead of just making you attack or gas you want to mix the 2 now. But lerks fall like a rock. Their flying mechanics are far to much like the terrible lerk flight change patch of NS1. I can glide upwards great, but once I reach my peak I fall like a rock. and flapping just seems to make me jump in air. (Yes it's an alpha, just noting).

No parasites for skulks? I assume shades are to replace that and give the aliens a more commander style game play.... WHY?! Aliens were a collective and needed to work together, marines were a regiment and needed to follow orders... Why change the game play? Why make it so linear?

Even though it's an alpha If you were to fix the bugs, polish up the game incorporate all the features planned and techs and all and launch with that this is what you'd get for a normal mode game play:

Game starts, one person from each team goes to command and everyone else runs off in the map.
Small skirmishes along the way to each base as both teams begin to rambo off. Commander does his own thing supporting the best way he can/wants to.
One team dominates the other enough to have a good amount of resources for when techs are learned/hives built and then is able to purchase other items which then let him dominate more. He eventually gets ambushed or caught off guard and then buys more and does it again.
Other team is scrambling to do something about him but can't because there is no "commander" support or team collective to be able to do so. Best they can hope for is the ability to attrition him or catch him off guard..... Eventually they figure out that doesn't even matter due to the issue of him having resources to do it again even after he dies.

That's NS2.... NS1 would be more of the collective of aliens working together to foil the marines due to the semi tied resources and upgrades. Or if you are talking about marine side it'd be the commander laying out a few weps to the good players and stressing to advance with limited resources while trying to maintain some better weps on the field. In the end the team in general is stressed regardless of the situation and thus forming a more team oriented game play. With the current NS2 it's nothing more then a combat style game without the consistent upgrades.

For the love of god PLEASE make the Armory react only if you are MUCH closer then you are currently. I step anywhere near it and one of the things pop out.

Being able to run is nice!

/End rant......

Some features/issues with the game in general And I'm sure they have been posted already and will be added:
Game is full my client continues to try and connect.
Server list filter options?
Backspace is not spammable in the client for when you want to delete things. Copy/paste/cut short keys do not work.
Numpad does not work.
multiple keys not bindable to the same function
join friend via steam
being built with LUA I'd assume server modules would be ez to implement. I'd personally like to see that soonish.
Breakable glass?


  • snooggumssnooggums Join Date: 2009-09-18 Member: 68821Members
    I was thinking Halo with the rifle smash but I don't care, it is a great feature to have a melee alternate when shooting in my opinion.

    The rest is pretty much "hey look it is an alpha" as most of the issues were either announced or pending further updates. There's really no need to nit pick game balance, this is not even a beta where both sides have all or most of their items...
  • GanJaBFDGanJaBFD Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 73031Members
    No a decent amount of it had to do with the game play of it not being really team based anymore and promotes more ramboing. I assume the maps will be bigger (hopefully)
  • DJPenguinDJPenguin Useless Join Date: 2003-07-29 Member: 18538Members
    no one is in a position to be concerned with game balancing when half of the content is not even available yet. rifle melee attack stolen from l4d.. really?
  • spellman23spellman23 NS1 Theorycraft Expert Join Date: 2007-05-17 Member: 60920Members
    So you have like 9+ different topics (of which a few seem to be bugs) and instead of making individual posts on each topic you made one giant one?
  • kira`kira` Join Date: 2010-07-25 Member: 72787Members
    edited July 2010
    <!--quoteo(post=1787399:date=Jul 28 2010, 12:54 AM:name=spellman23)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (spellman23 @ Jul 28 2010, 12:54 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1787399"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->So you have like 9+ different topics (of which a few seem to be bugs) and instead of making individual posts on each topic you made one giant one?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I don't see the problem.

    GanJaBFD is right on every point. I bought this game thinking aliens were still hivemind without comm. When I saw someone mention an alien comm i thought "what a retard" then found out there was an alien comm in NS2. I was <b>shocked</b> and <b>appalled</b>. I had no idea I was buying this game. Maybe I should have known better and known that Flayra could make NS worse. Before finishing this post I read up a bit and after reading this I wished I could unbuy NS2:

    "Skulks are a bit tougher and a bit slower, to lower the amount of player death"

    "In fact, each team can have multiple Commanders if they want! This is one of the biggest changes from NS1 and I think it's going to improve the game a lot. The biggest reason there is an alien Commander in NS2 is to improve the balance. NS1 was designed and balanced for 6v6 play. It wasn't designed from the very beginning with this in mind, but happened later after I realized that there were some fundamental balance problems due to the asymmetrical resource model. The marines have only shared team resources and the aliens have team resources that are split among all the team members. This means that as the number of players in the game changes, the resource model on the aliens changes. In bigger games, this could mean the by mid-game, aliens could need to wait a long time to build a resource tower, because incoming resources come in so slowly (due to them being split up among everyone in the team). It also means that the early game changes because every alien starts with 25 resources - so even the starting resources change due to team size." -<a href="http://www.nsplayer.net/ns2interview.php" target="_blank">NSPlayer Interview</a>

    "<b>Commanders don't drop weapons for players any more, players on the ground buy their own weapons at an armory</b>"

    "Builder bots."

    "Melee attack on some weapons including the LMG which shoves aliens away"

    "There's a good chance phase gates are not in the game"
    "Players can teleport to their squad using the console on the back of the IP"

    "Maps are smaller: instead of a sprawling network of halls and non-rooms, maps are made up of 6-10 rooms, each with a "landmark" (lighting, custom props, theme) to help players characterize it easily" -<a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/wiki/index.php/What%27s_new_from_NS1" target="_blank">NS2 Wiki</a>
  • DJPenguinDJPenguin Useless Join Date: 2003-07-29 Member: 18538Members
    edited July 2010
    It's still too early to judge the alien commander, and not worth getting all upset over when the only thing it can do right now is make a builder which can't build anything yet. People may really enjoy it when everything is released for us to test with. That said..

    <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/wiki/index.php/Alien_Commander" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/wiki/inde...Alien_Commander</a>

    <i>If it feels generic or removes the uniqueness from the aliens, it will be removed.</i>

    So you may get your wish if people complain enough.
  • GanJaBFDGanJaBFD Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 73031Members
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->the only thing it can do right now is make a builder which can't build anything yet.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    It can make shades and resource nodes. Shades are stupid in (i hope they are bugged atm and not intended like this) they are able to be built and stay there invis, can multiple endlessly and can, after being built, multiply anywhere on the map. They give the alien commander vision of that area. They have a few abilities as well but none of them seem to work.

    Regardless the whole resource arguement has been a major arguement for NS1 since it's major release. It was balanced for pro games not pubs. As such a lot of people enjoyed it's uniqueness and challenge.

    And seriously are you thinking about creating this game for 32 person servers with the small map design sceme? There is going to be a member of each team in each room at all times.... that's pointless.
  • pSyk0mAnpSyk0mAn Nerdish by Nature Germany Join Date: 2003-08-07 Member: 19166Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer
    @Kira: Everyone had the opportunity to "unbuy" ns2 and all the information you are complaining about was available long before.
    While I'm perfectly fine with people not agreeing with the direction ns2 has taken, it seems you're blaming everything except yourself for throwing out money without doing your research.
  • msleepermsleeper Join Date: 2009-10-13 Member: 69034Members
    Considering we don't have the full game - more than half of the features are missing, almost no structures are available yet, etc. - I think it's a little early to list things of how the game doesn't play like NS. Moreover, it is a sequel so things should expect to be a little different and so far I think all of the planned changes are for the better.

    Also, iron sights suck. Most people don't like them or want them.
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