United Worlds
Level Designer Join Date: 2003-11-13 Member: 22749Members, NS2 Developer

<div class="IPBDescription">Developers Content Sharing Website</div>Hi all, Probably the most annoying thing is having a place to upload your screenshots, maps, models and so on.
2nd most annoying thing is cropping screenshots and typing out the links to post here in these forums.
I built myself a site to save me a lot of trouble and time but rather than keep it to my self I am inviting anyone who is interested to come and use it too.
<a href="http://www.unitedworlds.co.uk" target="_blank">www.unitedworlds.co.uk</a>
<b><u>Current Features:</u></b>
<u>Image hosting</u> - Very simple image uploader, when its uploaded you can "Right Click" the thumbnail and "Copy Link Location" to grab the large image url for you to share wherever you wish. The images are Auto Resized for you so people cant winge about you posting huge images.
<u>Level Info</u> - Simple editor to specify your levels name and give information.
<u>Blogging system</u>
<b>What's to come?</b>
A lot! I will be constantly add into the website. My next goal is to get:
- Comments/Feedback & User Ratings.
- Level file hosting.
Other things to come later, Custom Textures & Models Hosting as well as Mod hosting.
Hopefully it will be a one stop for eveything and I promis it wont dissapear like other hosting sites have done.
2nd most annoying thing is cropping screenshots and typing out the links to post here in these forums.
I built myself a site to save me a lot of trouble and time but rather than keep it to my self I am inviting anyone who is interested to come and use it too.
<a href="http://www.unitedworlds.co.uk" target="_blank">www.unitedworlds.co.uk</a>
<b><u>Current Features:</u></b>
<u>Image hosting</u> - Very simple image uploader, when its uploaded you can "Right Click" the thumbnail and "Copy Link Location" to grab the large image url for you to share wherever you wish. The images are Auto Resized for you so people cant winge about you posting huge images.
<u>Level Info</u> - Simple editor to specify your levels name and give information.
<u>Blogging system</u>
<b>What's to come?</b>
A lot! I will be constantly add into the website. My next goal is to get:
- Comments/Feedback & User Ratings.
- Level file hosting.
Other things to come later, Custom Textures & Models Hosting as well as Mod hosting.
Hopefully it will be a one stop for eveything and I promis it wont dissapear like other hosting sites have done.
Was really hoping someone would come up with something like this.
- 2 New image upload options so you can now add <u>Conecpt Art</u> & <u>Other</u> images to your level project to use in your blog or other places.
Just finnished writing the main code for Blogging, You can now Write & Edit Blogs as well as:
- Post a YouTube bbcode tag containing the Video ID like on these forums.
- Post a special center aligned Blog image using <u>imgblog</u> tag that works like the URL tag, only URL= is the link to the Large Image where as the in the wrapper you place the link to the thumbnail, the blogimg tag uses the lytebox image display.
- Simple url link to your own personal blogs. ( <a href="http://www.unitedworlds.co.uk/blog/SgtBarlow" target="_blank">http://www.unitedworlds.co.uk/blog/SgtBarlow</a> ).
- Previous/Next on View Blog Page.
- Allow any registered user to leave a comment on a blog.
- Tidy up the HTML & CSS plus make nice buttons and graphics.
(My job is now in web design, unlike when we last met and I was a filthy student :P)
Awesome idea for a site, if I ever get my ass in gear and start working on something I'll come sign up.
If I registered now it'd just be "planning at some point to learn to use spark well" "still planning on it but I keep getting distracted by RL" "omg where'd the last 2 months go?" etc.
Messing with the CSS on div tags takes more time than it does for me to just type out a table.
This site is megar easy to skin if anyone would like to have ago when its more towards compleated. Its phpbb3's template system, in .html files.
your ususal header.html footer.html then the content pages sit in<i> HEADER <</i> <td> here </td> <i>> FOOTER</i>
Whats RL?
Religiously Lazy? :P
Enforce Standards Mode in IE7 and IE8 (IE6 is not worth dealing with, although tbh neither is IE7) and shove position relative on a div anytime it looks at you funny (it's a 'hasLayout' trigger, the thing which switches IE between web browser and file browser - it was integrated into windows explorer in an attempt to evade anti-trust fines, they failed), or give it a width. Or have conditional style sheets if you prefer.
Or just leave it in tables and have people like me lightly mock you. :D
But in my opinion this should be in official UW website. Or may be there can be a tool or web site, which directly capture image from Spark Editor or something including map size, num. of lights, polygons, extra textures and 3d objects and designer details,... etc.
This is very important so only UW may able to protect your rights on the map. And maps should be upgradable by designers and downloadable by players. Map upload time, map name, designer details may be helpfull. Also rating system would be good.
Just a bit too much oldskewl for my taste. ^_^
Convinced me, Upped Blog Images to 600 and Large to 1024. Any new images uploaded will be the bigger sizes.