editor question: grouping/ungrouping brushes, and creating faces

SKYYSKYY Join Date: 2002-11-27 Member: 10070Members
Love the editor thus far. Two questions:

1) is there an easy way to group/ungroup brushes, so that anytime you (double-click) on a brush component, you select the entire brush? The ungrouping would be good too--for example, I'm tired of trying to move a box that's incidentally connected to a corridor that's incidentally connected to the floor, and by moving that box it skews the entire rest of the map. I've gotten smarter with my designing, but come on--group/ungroup would be swell. :D

2) Create Faces seems to work 3/10 when I select multiple lines/vertices. Am I not using this correctly?



  • StandardStandard Join Date: 2003-12-06 Member: 24048Members, Constellation
    edited April 2010
    1) To my knowledge there is no way to group/ungroup things at the moment. It is possible to weld edges together, and that is why multiple faces/edges will move when you try to move a single face/edge. When you use the line tool to add additional faces to an existing face, they come welded by default. To my knowledge there is no way to unweld these connections at the moment, tho i have not messed about with the tools enough to know for sure. You could try deleting the connecting edge. Maybe someone else can spread some light on the subject as i would also like to know for reference.

    2) To create a face you must have an enclosed circuit of edges before you can create the face. For example, a square must have 4 sides and they must be connected to each other. Once you have created the face, be sure to check both sides as it can sometimes be created on the flip side.
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