A Jurassic Ark Mystery
Sr. Hινε UÏкεεÏεг - EUPT DeputyThe Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue

in Off-Topic
<div class="IPBDescription">lolwut</div>A documentary on how Noah saved not only 2 of each animal, but also the dinosaurs on this planet during the flood... <a href="http://www.answersingenesis.org/PublicStore/product/Creation-Adventure-Team-The-A-Jurassic-Ark-Mystery,4733,188.aspx" target="_blank">It's called A Jurassic Ark Mystery by the creation adventure team</a>.
I have never seen anyone conveniently disregard scientific facts to better serve their cause, which is trying to convince people the earth is only a few thousand years old... I lolled at these obvious silly people... I'm just amazed at the fact they actually take themselves VERY serious and point the finger at science of being a big fat liar.
Move along now, nothing to see here :P
I have never seen anyone conveniently disregard scientific facts to better serve their cause, which is trying to convince people the earth is only a few thousand years old... I lolled at these obvious silly people... I'm just amazed at the fact they actually take themselves VERY serious and point the finger at science of being a big fat liar.
Move along now, nothing to see here :P
Also, Answers in Genesis is hilarious. Just go read anything they've ever written, ever.
imagin' an animal weighing in at about 20tons like the Brachiosaur for example, which needs to eat truckloads of foliage is hiding in some enchanted forest :P
How would Noah even keep such an animal, and other large dinosaurs (T-Rex anyone?) on his wooden ship. A ship which itself is defying the laws of physics. Especially with using wood at the size he would need to two keep all these animals and their food supply for a year...
What if said beliefs are demonstrably silly?
This is what I picture in my head.
<img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/9g8yf6.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<a href="http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/educational_and_howto/sort/most%20recent#watch%3Dv19623501bjXCq28P" target="_blank">http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category...9623501bjXCq28P</a>
It's about how evolution theory is less likely since we found new facts and evidence. Not saying there is a god, but still very interesting.
This docu is surprisingly scientific for arguing against evolution. There is little talk of god and a lot of evidence presented.
<img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/9g8yf6.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
That is my actual face. That, quite literally, is my face. My avatar is simply my face with the moustache photoshopped out.
<a href="http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category/educational_and_howto/sort/most%20recent#watch%3Dv19623501bjXCq28P" target="_blank">http://www.veoh.com/browse/videos/category...9623501bjXCq28P</a>
It's about how evolution theory is less likely since we found new facts and evidence. Not saying there is a god, but still very interesting.
This docu is surprisingly scientific for arguing against evolution. There is little talk of god and a lot of evidence presented.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Cambrian Explosion.
Irony and sarcasm do not classify as being disrespectful, if they were then each and every comedian should be tomato-ed to the face :P
Besides, were just discussing the utterly wrong conclusions they promote... I don't care if someone believes in god or the spaghetti monster, that is not even a discussion worth discussing IMHO as it cannot be proven either way.
Anyone is free to believe what they want... But I just hate it when people go against all logic and conveniently disregard all proven facts and even call these facts "lies to deceive people"... Just cause they're not up their alley... While they themselves are deceiving people (kids). That is just self righteous bull-crap behavior. Behavior that has nothing to do with religion. As far as I have read in this thread were not bashing a religion, just these specific people's their behavior.
[mini-rant]I have... on a frequent basis.
A sizable portion of the US population shares these silly beliefs. What's worse, it's frowned upon to suggest the idiocy of holding such beliefs, as the forum rules and KFDM's post make evident. Any person who dares to point out how stupid such ideas are, and how dangerous it is to hold them and force them on impressionable young children, is branded "intolerant". I could go on, this subject infuriates me, and censoring its discussion, even in the discussion forum only makes me angrier.[/mini-rant]
Anyway, done with my little rant. Now, where the hell is my triceratops?
A sizable portion of the US population shares these silly beliefs. What's worse, it's frowned upon to suggest the idiocy of holding such beliefs, as the forum rules and KFDM's post make evident. Any person who dares to point out how stupid such ideas are, and how dangerous it is to hold them and force them on impressionable young children, is branded "intolerant". I could go on, this subject infuriates me, and censoring its discussion, even in the discussion forum only makes me angrier.[/mini-rant]
Anyway, done with my little rant. Now, where the hell is my triceratops?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I can agree that religious beliefs, specifically fundamentalist beliefs are pretty ridiculous. However I do give a certain amount of respect to peoples religious beliefs because
A: The belief in life after day is very tightly held by some people and to take it away is cruel
B: Considering how disconnected some of these people might be from reality, I cringe to think of what they might do if they didn't believe that there was a camera in the sky watching their every move.
A: The belief in life after day is very tightly held by some people and to take it away is cruel
B: Considering how disconnected some of these people might be from reality, I cringe to think of what they might do if they didn't believe that there was a camera in the sky watching their every move.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well, like all religion, fundamentalism is spread by indoctrinating impressionable young minds, putting them in the mindset that there is an eye in the sky, watching their every move, and that rational thought and intelect are a weakness. These children grow up beleving in these ideas, then spread them to their children.
They are not hard wired to be so disconnected from reality, they are taught to be. And society in large is taught to tollerate this.
Who knows if one of these people could have been the doctor that found the cure to cancer, or AIDS, but instead grew up thinking the earth is 6000 years old and will soon end, and that they will be snatched up to heaven while the heathens burn and suffer.
People don't need religion to be good, it's in their best interest as human beings to be good to others.
Debatable depending on who you talk to.
While it is true that there are plenty of examples of non-religious "good" people, there's plenty of discussion about stuff like what is "good", perhaps it's just a societal design or perhaps society is an evolutionary trait, perhaps some people need something like religion to cope/survive/stay "good", etc.
Obviously we should set up a secret human testing lab to figure all these things out instead of just theorizing about them.
We're not allowed to do that any more.
THANKS A LOT, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment" target="_blank">DR. ZIMBARDO</a> AND <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment" target="_blank">DR. MILGRAM.</a>
(Zimbardo and Milgram later went on, after their famous experiments, to help define psychological experiment ethics, i.e. what we're allowed to do).
It's crazy how readily people will do something because an authority figure tells them to. Most of the subjects continued to "shock" the guy even after they thought he was dead.
It's also crazy what people will, for the most part, believe for their whole adult lives because someone told them what to believe as children.
Such as a few thousand years ago, God got bored and made everything, then, a while later wanted a mulligan, so he flooded the entire planet, had a guy make a big boat, find two of each animal, including the dinosaurs, from all over the earth (billions, maybe even trillions if you include the dinosaurs and so many other animals which are now, just a few thousand years later, extinct), to save them.
Then, later, call BS when someone tells them that the Earth is billions of years old, and that the last of the dinosaurs walked the earth 65 million years ago, before one of many mass extinctions that have occurred.