The meb pack

asmodeeasmodee Join Date: 2007-06-20 Member: 61317Members, Constellation
Let's be honest. Most of the posts here in the I&S forum are from people who have never played NS any length of time, are terrible at it, or have no concept of game balance. So now I bring you quite possibly one of the few ideas that should be in NS2.

The meb pack is a new protolab upgrade. It costs 200 res to research and about 2 minutes to research, costs 5 res to use, and only lasts 2 seconds, but it is so worth it. Think catalyst, but better in every conceivable way. When marines rush meb packs and the aliens see the first one used at ~6 minutes into the game, they all simultaneously, as if communicated via hive mind, rage quit the game forever.

P.S. mebsucks


  • BadMouthBadMouth It ceases to be exclusive when you can have a custom member titl Join Date: 2004-05-21 Member: 28815Members
    This is done in very bad taste and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Anyone else, please note this guy is not serious in his suggestion.
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