where have all the players gone..
Join Date: 2004-09-12 Member: 31656Members

These forums are depressing. What game did everyone move on to? There is only about 10% of the player base that this game had a few years ago.
And no, I'm not ######ing. I really want to know what games people moved onto (please don't tell me WoW).
Unless everyone just kicked their video game habbit and got real jobs and lives. But somehow I doubt that.
And no, I'm not ######ing. I really want to know what games people moved onto (please don't tell me WoW).
Unless everyone just kicked their video game habbit and got real jobs and lives. But somehow I doubt that.
My computer started having video card issues and I wasn't able to play NS for a month or two before I got a new one, at that point I totally lost all my drive to play it.
I tried picking it back up (after about a year of absence) but I just suck now and the graphics seem lackluster since I've been playing Source mods and UT3. I also play Wii.
I'm definately in when NS2 comes out.
but yeah everyone seems to have moved onto tf2.
and ns2 isnt going to come out until the hl2 engine is outdated
I think a few people have come back in the past month or so, maybe we might see a little spike in the userbase again
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
I would really love to believe NS2 was coming out soon but I can't see it.
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What? Did you log on the NS forums just to post that?
Life, however, stole me from these forums.
In the intervening years of 2006 and 2007, I got myself a girlfriend, flew overseas to meet her, spent several months travelling the UK and Europe, visited America during Botcon for an early screening of the Transformers Movie, met an online friend after four years+ of an over-the-web-only friendship, broke up with said girlfriend and returned home to 14 hour work days and 3 hours sleep a night.
The good news is I'm slowly stepping back into the NS scene. Every so often I pop into the servers and play... terribly of course since I'm ludicrously out of practice. The custom servers are the scourge of my existence though, I hate them, though I'm willing to tolerate if they're the only ones with players on them.
If you happen to see me online, I go by the handle Razor One now. You can tell it's me because I'll always have the highest death count <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink-fix.gif" />
And now for some WoW <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
Care to elaborate why exactly that particular comment was funny?
LIFE & WORK my excuse
I've been working 12 hour shifts, 4 days a week, night-shift
For some strange reason i enjoy playing for a few hours when i get home in morning, drinking and smokin some wacky tobaccy. Only problem with that is im soooooooooo tired for nightshift. So i have restricted my play a little on work days. As im a old now and gettin over a hangover aint as easy as it was at 18.
When i have been a good boy and disciplined myself away from NS during work days, im so excited to play a game, that i go too hard on day 1 of my 3 days off, that i sleep most of second day and fart arse around on 3rd day. not utilizing my time wisely. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/confused-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="???" border="0" alt="confused-fix.gif" />
but yeah, best time to catch me is somwhere between late monday night --- thursday night on G4 or BAD CLAN servers
i got a new computer and whole bunch of games but havnt even had the time to bother trying them
nothing beats the comrardery and (hanging out with the dudes kinda feeling ) like that of an epic game of NS CLASSIC provides <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/pudgy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::gorge::" border="0" alt="pudgy.gif" />
peace out.
I'm horrible with names and I think I was drinking Icehouse most of the time I was scrimming - laid off of it for matches, promise! - but I hope everyone gravitates back when NS2 releases and we can all play together again. I know I was probably the worst player on the team, but I contributed stupidity and insane res node building skills! lol
If anyone else remembers, what was dn called before dn? When I first started playing NS they were the clan to beat and they reformed into dn. Hrm, evil clan just popped into my head ... evil one?!? ... damn I can't believe I remembered that much - lol. He was some clan leader from Alabama and we all butted heads quite frequently, in and outside scrims/matches. Man, the good old days.
Wow and RL took me from NS, all the ppl I used to play ns with jumped to wow..
Stopped playing wow and started playing NS again, tried getting a few gamer friends of mine to install it, but after looking at it
they refuse until it looks a bit better
They've a valid point in, you'll never get new players while its still on hl1, it looks too dated and clunky compared to everything else out there
The gameplay is brilliant and theres still nothing else out there like it..
I seriously hope it gets to source before the next generation of engines come out..
I miss NS
ATM there's a gap in the online gaming scene imho .. cs is boring, ppl are getting rid of their addiction to wow or just getting fedup with it, dow is just crap trying to find a game, guildwars is getting old, eq2 er never happened.. there's nothing there now (this will only last until starcraft II comes out.. after this, I doubt I'll check in on hl1 ns servers until ns source is out (god know when that'll be?))
Wow and RL took me from NS, all the ppl I used to play ns with jumped to wow..
Stopped playing wow and started playing NS again, tried getting a few gamer friends of mine to install it, but after looking at it
they refuse until it looks a bit better
They've a valid point in, you'll never get new players while its still on hl1, it looks too dated and clunky compared to everything else out there
The gameplay is brilliant and theres still nothing else out there like it..
I seriously hope it gets to source before the next generation of engines come out..
I miss NS
ATM there's a gap in the online gaming scene imho .. cs is boring, ppl are getting rid of their addiction to wow or just getting fedup with it, dow is just crap trying to find a game, guildwars is getting old, eq2 er never happened.. there's nothing there now (this will only last until starcraft II comes out.. after this, I doubt I'll check in on hl1 ns servers until ns source is out (god know when that'll be?))
My time playing NS has been intermittent. I've been playing CS, but NS is just... meh these days for me. Even if I want to go back, my favourite servers are always full.
I might come back into playing (it's already installed on my compy), it's just that I have other priorities in life first (school, work, life in general, etc.).
but yeah everyone seems to have moved onto tf2.
and ns2 isnt going to come out until the hl2 engine is outdated<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Considering that the source engine just got a facelift with tf2, and valve is upgrading css and dods to that engine, I think NS2 will still have ample stuff to strut in the graphic side.
Hey man I think that is cool as I met my fiance online. And some of you might perhaps know him as he has been around since the beginning of NS and makes waypoints for whichbots a lot of the time.
Anyway, I still play NS but I was in the hospital. I play on the Sandbox servers:
<a href="http://killerz.dns2go.com" target="_blank">killerz.dns2go.com</a>:27016
<a href="http://killerz.dns2go.com" target="_blank">killerz.dns2go.com</a>:27017
and NS also at the MT 1 2 and 3 servers
and sometimes TFC @
<a href="http://killerz.dns2go.com" target="_blank">killerz.dns2go.com</a>:27015
and I also play TF2 on these servers (haven't found a fav yet as the crappy ATI drivers I have such a low fps ...):<ol type='1'><li> Toronto | NorthernResistance.com [#2 HLstatsX]</li><li> Noob Gamers - NOOBGAMERS.COM - 2FORT</li><li> Gib$Ru$ - 24/7 2fort -HLstatsX-SuperGibs</li><li> A Drunken Brawl! 2</li><li> Andy's House | HLSTATSX | INSTANT RESPAWN | BPCOD4.COM</li><li> |30+| Retirement Villa (10 sec respawn & fast d/l)</li><li> Brothers Of Chaos Chicago #1 |24/7 2fort|HlStats|!Radio|Recruiting </li><li> NoobArena TF2 - FastDL's - HLStatsX</li><li> 24/7 BADLANDS - N00b Galore |HLSTATSX|NoobGalore.us|</li><li> [OgV] Old Gaming Veterans</li><li> toolbear's 24/7 badlands - Detroit</li><li> [A51]TF2Detroit no 2fort dustbowl every other map</li><li> NOOB Slaughter [Chicago|Instant Respawn]</li><li> The Old Farts TF2 (=OF=)</li><li> Olde Phartz - Chicago</li></ol>
I still play NS most of the time when I do play <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink-fix.gif" />
and there are plenty of people who still play .. just maybe not anyone you know anymore <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
I for one have had less playing time. Two years ago when I started to play I was in 9th grade and recently left the CAL-m scene because I felt my friend were more important. I was not a very book studying person (with leaving computer related things easy for me though) so my GPA idled around 80. As time moved on and I kept playing NS getting better and better the summer of 9th grade was coming up and I was in my "prime" where I joined cri (a veteran team at the time) and most of that summer was spent with NS/friends. 10th grade rolled around and I ended up playing more and more ns until about December in what I called "The beginning of the end" of me playing NS. I became a well known figure in the community not for skill though, because of my antics. I then started to go out with my girlfriend (and still am) in January in which I pretty much stopped playing NS. This of course was until I started a clan that did not last long but sure left a mark (with drama of course). By then I was playing ns about an hour a week and that was scrims. This was because I tried to move my GPA up more and started a college programming class that I got accepted into (which I finished with a 3.0 GPA being third in the class) and my girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, I still had a lot of interest in NS and did try and squeeze in whatever playing time I could and ended up getting my infamous "0-13" score with my connection dieing on me. Then I was approached by WiredLabs (and AmpedNews) Sypher to start and lead their Natural Selection division. This ended up being a big hit but slowly died after I left (and is not starting to come back again). Now, I play NS when I have the free time while having it squeezed in with helping my mother from time to time (who has about four disease including things that cause her to have seizures and is still diagnosed with chronic alcoholism so that doesn't help when she takes her medicine), girlfriend and school. Also including my passion for computer programming as I will have about one year of Computer Science done (9 out of 12 credits) and still on other free time learn PHP/Flash MX 2004 as a hobby. However, even though their is other things that I do I was here from the start of the community and will be with it till its untimely death.
This is just an example of one persons time restraints pushing him away from NS but yet, being him back now. This happens to many people and I am sure has happen to a few people in this Playtester group.
What is that supposed to mean?
Anyways to answer the question.
Basically, this game is old. Many people who are still gaming probably updated their computers and likewise play games that allow their systems to be pushed to the max.
WoW was also released after NS, NS had a decent decline because of that game as well.
I don't know exactly what has caused the decline, what I do know is that the current NS playerbase seem to have no clue as to how to play the game, even though they claim to have been playing for 2-3 years.
Anyway, I still play, have been since v1.x
Before people with mediocre machines could run NS just fine. If you upgraded you would see no performance gain in NS, however you would see significant performance gains in other games and perhaps be able to run a few choice titles.
and so they probably really dont know how to play ns_classic properly
i started playing other games and mods
I started when NS 1.03 was published after reading about it in one of our local computer magazines. Love at first sight, since even today good non-frag'em'up games are rare. I mean: when was the last time you saw a game where buildings were actually more important than players in specific roles? Unfortunately, this was changed in subsequent versions and NS became just another copycat game, especially the "Combat" part. Too bad the devs never listened when there were still enough players around, although I have to say that many of the players themselves were in denial mode.
Nowdays I entertain myself with WoW and Playstation 2. Perhaps occasional Quake Wars round, since that game can be so irritating when you hate to respawn after achieving basically nothing. WoW has it's issues too, but with every patch there is something new. Gonna start raiding TK/SSC soon, so... yeah. Got work too. NS was nice for a while, so it's a shame it ended up as a failure. Would love to give it another shot if NS2 ever comes out. But knowing the devs, it will be never.
I spend 8+ hours a day behind a PC for my job right now, so I really cba to game when I get back home.
Though I play some CoD4 now and then. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
Still hoping for NS2, will definitely play!